eAustralian Academy Awards (Nominations)

Day 1,917, 07:52 Published in Australia USA by irule777

eAustralian Academy Awards Nominations!
Welcome to the first eAustralian Academy Awards! Over the next 72 hours you may nominate players for the following fields, we'll then vote for a winner in each field.

-No complaining, whining, or anything of the sort
-You may nominate yourself for only one category, it may not be best player
-You may fill out the form ONCE, don't try to be sneaky, I'll check.
-You must have the nominees full name, if it's not clear, it doesn't count. If you misspell and it's still clear, I'll count it

-Best Player
-Most Active IRC
-Most Active Game/Forums
-Best Country President
-Best Politician
-Best Fighter (Aka, scottty)
-Best Military Unit
-Best Troll
-Best Newspaper Writer
-Most Hated Player
-Most Liked Player
-Most Likely to Ragequit
-Best New Player/Most Likely to Succeed (6 months old or less, 6 months citienship or less for their first time in Australia)
-Biggest Party Jumper
-Largest E-Peen

Good luck to all the nominees and we'll have voting soon enough! One submission per person, ask questions below. As for how we'll choose what nominees get on the ballot, it'll depend on how many people we're nominated and how many times you were nominated. There will be 5 people per category on the ballot, we'll figure it out fairly.

NOMINATION FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XxO9GwebMNtdEPcsq2Kdo3PyhMpCpABVOYfCQZ-Vh8U/viewform

Again in Linky form: Nomination Form

You do need to put your game name in the first question so I know who's nominated already. Your nominations will be 100% PRIVATE. Nominations can be made by foreigners, but can not be of foreigners. Australians only.

Total Nominations so far: 31