Donovan Thomas, Independent Candidate For President

Day 680, 00:01 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

The photo above speaks volumes to me. There is the daily miracle of sunrise that spells beginning, the promise of a new day and of lighting darkened places. There are clouds on the horizon that give warning to possible storms ahead or perhaps a much needed calm after the tempest. The road stretching to the horizon tells of a journey to come with a destination as yet unknown, potholes and pitfalls, bandits, laughter and tears. There is the intense majesty of the Irish countryside surrounding it all, our mother, our home and our soul. This is Our eIreland.

Sláinte chugat, my name is Donovan Thomas and I would be honored to have your vote for President of the Republic of eIreland.

I stand here humbled by the task before me and honored by the trust bestowed upon me by my fellow independents. I am mindful of the responsibility in not only seeking such a lofty goal but of the intense responsibility involved if it is attained. This however is not a personal journey, it is not something that can be done alone of one’s own merit. It is a covenant of trust, an agreement to pursue excellence. It is a pledge to honor, commitment, courage and integrity.

It is something I cannot do without your support.

I need your help. I need your trust. I pray that I have earned it.

You may already have an opinion of me. If you do not, this may be your first introduction to a humble but passionate man. I say humble for I am not concerned with personal glory, I hunger not for recognition. I do however yearn for service. I say passionate for I care. I care deeply for the people of eIreland, and I care so very deeply for the safety and integrity of our Fair Isle and I am committed to protecting her and any cost but sullying her honor.

I can be loud. I am a lover of words but not hyperbole. I disparage rhetoric and politicking for the sake of time lost and consensus soured.

Boot before Suit. That may explain everything to some, for others I will elaborate. My real life ancestors were Warrior Chieftains, strong and fierce; dedicated tribesmen and poets; Irishmen through and through. As were my ancestors and as in my own career in RL I am a man of war. I can be no else in our e-world. The safety of our shores is of the utmost importance to me. In the days to come I will have more to say to you on my ideas, my policies and my hopes. For now let me share with you a bit of what I believe in;

- A strong military trained to repel attacks, trained to fight in an organized manner; trained to understand why they fight and how to fight smart; a military that no matter how small (as compared to some) demands respect from, and from those who would do us harm, fear.

- Independence of thought, loud voices raised not to drown out others, but to be heard in confidence above the din of indecision. It is my firm conviction that every voice matters, no matter how you or I may disagree.

- Irish Business is the heart of our economy. We must pay our workers a fair wage for work done and provide them affordable products in a consistent and reliable manner. I support export of our products and incentives for Irish companies to expand into the world market.

- I believe in our continued neutrality and support of other non-aligned sovereign neutral nations while remaining awake and vigilant to numerous threats in our eWorld. If the people desire a coalition of neutrals, I shall support their wishes. If not, I will ensure that we are ready to counter the threat on our own. This is a decision that must be made by all.

I will finish tonight with this: I have spoken to President Patton in regards to having one of his cabinet members running against him for the office of President. I have the utmost respect for our President and my entrance into this race is not a challenge to his authority but simply my inability to ignore a call to service by the people. I asked the President if he would require my resignation upon announcing my candidacy and our President had the good grace to ask me to not only continue on his team, but to remain aboard should he be re-elected, I extended the same invitation to him to come aboard as a Special Envoy in the event that your see fit to grant me the required votes. The President and I have vowed to run a clean race free of malice, standing on our own merit; Honor is our pledge.

Furthermore I have messaged all other current candidates and expressed the same pledge and hope to receive it return from them. Ireland faces too many wolves from across the sea for us to tear at each other’s throats during such a pivotal time.

I will continue to communicate with you in the coming days and I hope that you will continue to honor me by listening, considering, debating but above all; participating and using your voice.

Thank you for your time.

Very Respectfully,

Colonel Donovan Thomas