Day 2,652, 15:54 Published in Israel Israel by Rufus1988
Questions what everybody fears to ask.
Questions about difficult issues, awkward problems.
Questions which need to be answered.

The Fox News's next guest in the QUESTION TIME is the President of Paraguay: [Mr. Don Zebosk]


"...we were fighting two battles..."
"...the Airstrike would be closed..."

"...The responsibility of Madam Secretary has been raised..."
"..No any instigator at all..."

"...Larissa Riquelme wants to visit Nazareth..."

Good evening Mr. President, welcome you in the Question Time’s studio, Jerusalem.

It is a great honor that you accepted our invitation to the Question Time.
I am sure there are no festivals in Paraguay, but the moral must be better than the previous days. You lead them to victory, and saved your country from total downfall, you will probably have a congress, so it is a very successful term.

If we check the active players between Paraguay, and Israel, it seems, you had to fight with handy cap. How could you do that? Do you have better allies, or Israel made huge mistakes? What are the reasons, what do you think about it?

President Don Zebosk

We still fighting for it, we need to win the current campaign in Haifa District, so I hope we can really manage to get congress. regarding the power difference between Israel and Paraguay, I believe there were both things. Paraguay came with more MPPs (but Israel MPPs are very strong, not many, but all very strong allies) and then, yes, I believe Israel could made it better, Israel did mistakes.

Paraguay is known by its devotion, its passion, so our allies quite like us a lot. I can even recall a post from Persian Punisher, a big soldier from Iran. he said "I love the way Paraguay play this game"

That post really made me feel glad.

What kind of mistakes did we do?

Actually, we were fighting two battles: Paranena against Brazil, Tel Aviv against Israel. if Paranena was lost before we land our Airstrike, the Airstrike would be closed no matter which score. Israel didn't used that.

Then, I saw COs in quite late times, when we were already high on the domination points. both sides didn't put "crazy" COs and that was good.

I saw you were talking about some "spy" in the congress, maybe that created some division too. after the Airstrike, I saw the impeachment law. those things can be considered as mistakes too.

Yes, you are right, We are going to talk about it bit later
There are many weaker enemy than Israel in the world -the statement is true even if you won-, why did you choose Israel? Madam Secretary of State said it is only a revenge, but it seems suspicious that your timing coincided with domestic military plans

What was in the background?

Last year, Israel landed an Airstrike in Paraguay. Since Paraguay has only two regions, Israel wiped Paraguay. After that wipe, Israel asked our congress if you could rent our regions. That was considered as humilliation. I was one of the congressmen in that time.

Israel didn't last too long, in the next 2 RWs, Paraguay won, and Israel was nowhere in South America anymore, but we wouldn't forget what you did. So, as you can see in South America map, Serbia is almost in half of it. We had to think an option about how to get congress.

From the beginning, I told everybody I will pay an Airstrike for a good campaign for us, but after the Serbian incursion, we had to make new plans, and that's where Israel came in the spotlight. We could have revenge, we could have epicness, we could have congress.

The coincidence with the domestic military plans, is just that: an incredible coincidence. So whoever was going to be the target of Israel Airstrike, that country was damn lucky.

There are no coincidences so I have many doubts. It was a huge risk. You said to Madam RemiiX, there had been a chance that the Air strike was not successful. I know it has been exceeded, but the revenge is irresponsible in politics. There are only different interests. Why would you risk your freedom unless there were something else what you do not tell us.

President Don Zebosk

Of course there were chances of a not successful Airstrike!
we didn't have options Rufus, if we stayed at home, Brazil would wipe us

As we all know, there were an AS plan in Israel. The target is kept in secret.
If the plan became known by the target countries, it could be a reason of a preventive attack against Israel. So I have to ask, were there any instigator?

No any instigator at all.
I can understand your suspicions, it makes sense, but there was no any spy, or instigator, or something else.

So you just checked the map, and choosen Israel?

Not really, if you look in my newspaper, you will see some articles ago that I already showed signs of an Airstrike.

Yes, I saw a thousand pictures about air fighters in your article.

I told people that if I was elected CP, I will put money from my pocket for an Airstrike, for a looong time awaited attack. The target of that Airstrike is in one of my articles too, but it wasn't Israel at all, after Brazil came to wipe us, we had two choices: stay and try to fight in RWs, or try an Airstrike. We choosed the second option.

after we decided for the Airstrike, we only had two names in min😛 the country from my article, and Israel.

Then everybody sai😛 VENDETTA

I am very curious about your target country actually. maybe we don't even have formal relationships, or maybe yes, but I don't think you was going to go to South America for example. I say this cause Chile and Bolivia are our most important friends there, and after them, Bulgaria and MKD. I don't think Israel was going to AS one of those.

I couldn't possibly comment

I understand.

There is an impeachment in Israel. I do not know, that it is only a troll action or not, but the debates in Cabinet has begun. Could we prevent the war? Who is responsible for the situation? Who made mistakes? What is your opinion about it?

Are there any personal responsibility?

Actually, your vCP sent me a very nice PM, Remiix wrote to me too. They both were trying to avoid the war, and I must say, they both are quite good. vCP didn't wrote to me anymore after my answer, but Remiix had more passion, insisted more. She is really a great girl.

Could you prevent the war? no. our decision was made. We wouldn't change our mind, and this comes from the Airstrike Israel did to us. Who is responsible for the situation? maybe no one, just those who did the Airstrike before (or told you to do it, I know you had lot of Argentinian support in that time, even economic)

Who made mistakes? nobody. this is a game about wars, and this is how we have to play it. someone wins, someone loses, but the important is to keep the respect. as you could see, there was no any troll article from Paraguay after the Airstrike.

What's my opinion about? man... yesterday battle was so beatiful for us.
About the impeachment, I can't say too much, really no information about.

But I believe changing a CP in times like this, is a risky decision. although Miki (who could be the new CP) is a really good guy, very good player.

Miki knows a lot about the Israel Airstrike to Paraguay.

The responsibility of Madam Secretary has been raised. Can you comment it?

Remiix? she did what she had to do, even more. She really tried to avoid this, but after it, she approached very important protagonists: today you have Argentina and Peru MPP. I believe that was achieved thanks to her.

Regarding the information of the domestic military plans, as I said, we really had no idea about, so can't blame anything on Remiiix.

What's next? Your troops attaked Haifa. Do you want to conquer whole Israel, or you will make peace? What is your plan?

We just want a congress. we won't conquer whole Israel, we have no enough power for it, and it was never our intention to do that. I want to stay some time here, I hope we can, cause we can have really good battles :3

Haifa District is on the way to your capital: Nazareth. If we reach your capital, we will achieve congress, and is a symbolic victory. As I am joking in my shouts: Larissa Riquelme wants to visit Nazareth xD
Still there is no presidential candidate in Paraguay. Do you want to continue?

No, after this term, I will quit. This is my last campaign.
I already have 6 terms as CP (one after an impeachment), it's enough.

Personal matters?

Yes, time to leave eR. I need to focus more on my job, and eR is a big distraction on the way.
Thank you Mr President, that you were available for us.

My pleasure and my honor Rufus
Thanks to you for the epicness you are giving to us. I say this in name of all Paraguay soldiers.

Did he overcame the challenge? It is up to you.
I give him 10/8.5
It was the Question Time with Rufus1988