Day 666, 18:12 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

My fellow Americans:

Defend Louisiana:


Dig in and watch for updated orders.

DO NOT FIGHT IN BATTLES AGAINST COLOMBIA UNLESS RUSSIAN BATTLES ARE SECURE. 2-clickers and those not following DoD are a match for Colombia.

Canada Takes the Fight to Iran

Last night 24 hours elapsed since Iran declared war on Canada. Iran did not act and so Canada took the war to them in Yukon. Canada was victorious!!!
eUSA Order Broadcast System

If you use Firefox and Greasemonkey, you can install the eUSA Orders Broadcast System. This will put updated orders directly on your interface.


The Russian Prime Minister Smirnoff has demanded our capitulation. They have threatened to attack Florida. The Russian President parter has now crowned himself "Emperor" and has stated that he will spend as much RL money as is necessary to defeat us.

What does that mean for us? It means we must be ready to defend our stronghold. The attack will likely come at near server re-set while we sleep. We must be ready to give everything when the attack comes. Every American will be expected to over-fight. Fight 5 times, heal, work and fight 5 more times.

Why are we losing regions again?

1. Game mechanics. A nation with the initiative (on the offense) can remain on the offense so long as they start another battle before losing one. The eUSA is being tag-teamed by Russia and their pawn Colombia. So long as either has an open battle, the eUSA cannot attack back.

2. Time Zone Advantage. The attacker has the advantage of choosing the start (and also end) time of a battle. You will notice that most Russian battles started while the eUSA is sleeping. As a battle lasts 24 hours, this means it also ends while the eUSA is sleeping. Russia and her allies, particularly Indonesia have the luxury of fighting when there is essentially no resistance from the eUSA and our European and Western Hemisphere allies.

3.RL Money > Virtual Guns. Each attack costs gold. eRussia is paying for it's own mutiple battles, but also all of Colombia's blocking attacks. Tanking costs gold. eRussia is paying for other PEACE tanks to fight in contested eUS regions such as Tennessee. In conjuction with time zone advantage, Indonesia tanks in particular are very effective. eRussia has gold. The eUSA economy is wrecked by more than two months of continuous warfare and being nearly exterminated. We simply do not have the same financial resources as the enemy.

So what are you saying, General?

We have several disadvantages. It is best to see them eyes-wide-open. The result of this is that we are going to lose regions to eRussia. The best that we can do is make them spend as much gold as possible while we spend as little as possible until an opportunity arises for us to change the tide of war. The Department of Defense will do what we can to keep the citizens up to date on which battles are of high importance.

Eugene Harlot
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

Lucius "Lucky" Varenus
Commandant, eUSMC

Josh Frost
Secretary of Defense