DoD Oct. 18 [Day 698, 07:00 eRep] - TRAINING WARS

Day 698, 07:06 Published in USA USA by USA Department of Defense

My fellow Americans and Emerick:

Fight for rank, experience and wellness in the Malayasian/Phillipines Training War.

Fight Here

Knowledge is (Fire)Power

Educate yourself on smart warfare techniques by reviewing this article by Secretary of Defense Joe DaSmoe.

Friendly Firepower Program

Population. Our enemies are numerous but they also are have the advantage of ranking up. Hungary had its babyboom long before ours. The game is linear. The longer you play, the stronger you become. The only counter to this is gold and lots of it. If we are ever to drive the Huns from our lands, then we must recruit a new generation of eUSA player.

The eUS government and eUS Military are proposing the Friendly Firepower Program. We are asking each active citizen to recruit one friend. Teach them to play the game. Help them. Mentor them. Direct them to the forums. Get them on to IRC. Get them involved and invested in our goal of driving out the invaders.

If you look at the population stats for the game, you would think the eUSA has thousands more citizens than Hungary. This is deceptive. That is total accounts. We need more ACTIVE ACCOUNTS. We need more ACTIVE CITIZENS.

We aren't asking you to shoot for a society builder medal. We're asking you for one friend. Recruit one friend to win.

Be Prepared

Weapons prices are ridiculously low in the eUSA right now. Buy cheap weapons now before prices increase with demand.

ATTENTION n00bs and allied friends: TRAP COMPANIES IN THE eUSA

There are currently 2 trap companies operating in the eUSA. These are being operated by Russians with the intent to stifle US growth and unsuspecting players from getting their Hard Worker medals and gold.


U.S. Dept. of Labor (163 wasted citizens)

CIA Stock No. 5 (122 wasted citizens)

Company for New Players - This is the worst as it is clearly targeting n00bs. Pretty low.

Company for a Bigger USA

The Villians Behind the Traps

U.S. Deptment of Labor is run by this citizen

CIA Stock No. 5 is run by this citizen

If you disagree with their attempts to ruin the fun of new US citizens, then we encourage you to send them a respectful PM about your feelings.

What is a trap company?

A company set up with no raw materials or currency for salaries. The company will offer high wages to attract unsuspecting job seekers. But with no currency or RMs, the workers cannot work. For uneducated n00bs, this means frustration with the game and usually leads to potential players abandoning the game. I say uneducated because a worker in this situation can RESIGN immediately and find other work. But n00bs don't know this. They are just looking for the highest paying jobs. A n00b can only do 2 things: work and train. If you can't do one, you probably won't bother to stick around.

Admins have been repeatedly contacted about this practice but they continue to ignore this. It is up to us for now.

Eugene Harlot
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

Joe DaSmoe
Secretary of Defense

Lucius "Lucky" Varenus
Commandant, eUSMC

Leroy Combs
Vice-Commandant, eUSMC