Do you Like Acronyms?

Day 360, 08:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Well, I do. I love them, and here in the UK we've got plenty for you to use. So, here's a small rundown to the UK setup and Acronyms that could possibly change your eLife, if you're looking to get involved!

For Starters, join the forums. The address is When you sign in, click the forum button, and then register. 95% of what happens in what some would call the most organized country in the World happens on our forums, so if you're looking for direction, that's where you need to go.

There, now that that is out of the way, heeeerrreeee we go:

NHS: The NHS is the lovely acronym for the National Health Service. It's job, as mandated by Commons is to care for the health of our citizens, and build our productivity. Here's how it works:

There's a "Clinic" in each region. Simply find the clinic (ie Northwest Clinic) by searching for it, and add it as a friend. Only for residents of whichever region you live, and the Clinic will begin gifting you to 95%. Once you hit that level, it's up to you to buy high quality food and whatnot, but we know how hard it can be to get high wellness, so we're all here to help.

TfL: That's right, I said TfL. London, being our capital is obviously our most populated region, but a long shot. The job of the Transport for London scheme is to pay for people to move to smaller regions to even out the jobs that are done by the National Health Service, and other facilities. It's a might bit easier to do when our population is spread out, and it makes it much more capable of defending each region. So, contact the Transport for London if you're looking to move to a quieter region, and help out the other communities within the eUK.

Mo*: So, anything we say with the M in front is a Ministry, or Government Department in Charge of whatever that particular Ministry does. Each one is headed by a Minister. Look at the wiki, it will tell you each of those departments (although some small updates will need to be made for changes that have happened this month).

That's it for now. There are now more than three thousand citizens here in the UK, and I welcome each and every one of you. We are all here to ensure that you are taken care of, and most of all that you have fun here in Erepublik. If there's anything we can do, please contact us in the forums and we'll be more than happy to help.



Prime Minister of the UK