Desert Lions South Africa

Day 1,696, 02:56 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno


I want to introduce you our new army: Desert Lions South Africa, via this article.

Desert Lions is an internal military unit which has soilders from all world. You can check wiki page for details.

Today I found African Lions to improve African citizens' military skill and defend our country against possibly attacks. Also most important part is, we can introduce South Africa to the all world via our organized fights.


#You need to use our avatar.

This is only thing which you should exactly do. Also there is optional things like;

#Working at our companies,
#Joining organized fights.

What do you offer?

We offer 20 Q6 weapons per day to our lions If you join organized fight and work at our companies.

If you don't join fight and just work at company: you will get 12 Q6
If you don't join fight nor work at company: you will get 3 Q6 with just using our avatar.

Just PM me If you have any question. Also write comment about unit please.

Léon Reno
Desert Lions South Africa