Declaration of War

Day 1,107, 07:23 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by psy_cho

Dear my Fellow Australian

Couple minutes ago, i proposed Declaration of War to your country,

Nothing personal, i just remember how your tanker (such as savonrepus, sir_constant, etc) tanking against us during Sumatra and Java war. You guys spend a lot of gold against us, even at that time we leave your country. I also remember when you use word enemy to us. Well, i will give you what eIndonesia will do to it's enemy.

Well, i will surely enjoy my vacation to eIndonesian new region,

I can't wait to see your army at battle field. We'd love to fill our landfills with the trash your soldiers are. Nothing would make us happier than seeing your armies strewn around the battlefields, our only regret is that we're going to have to drag their corpses away and throw them into a dumpster.

See you at battle field 😉