Dear Brazil

Day 1,224, 04:15 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by psy_cho

Perhaps this is not important but i said it, "I'm Back". As many people knew that i was planning to have a long vacation from all eRepublik "thingy and buggy". One hour before Indonesia launched an attack to hawaii last month precisely.

Couple days ago i was shocked to see this recent changes. Australia got SA and Victoria back (congrats for them), MPP between Indonesia and Spain was approved and i heard that Brazil helped US to attacked Papua (one of Indonesia native region). That was unexpected development since Indonesia CP in the last 5 month had a great relationship with BIA. So, in this article i tried to share you my point of view as Indonesian and as your brother.

For pro TERRA, sorry to dissapoint you guys but this is not troll. Although maybe some of you see that way. I will tell you my point of view since i was Indonesia CP in November (month when US-Brazil make MPP for the first time) and also vice CP last month (when Indonesia launched an attack to Hawaii).

November 2010
Many things happened at November 2010. Indonesia was attacking Southern Thailand (at that time US conquer ST) couple hours before election ended. Difficult task from the first minute of my term but we won at that time. But because of bug and admin did nothing to USA (as bug exploiter, what a surprise huh?), USA has momentum back and attacked Sumatra.

Unfortunately we lost to Eden full force and Indonesia lost her native region for the first time in Indonesia history. But we managed to get Sumatra back and won RW in ST at the same time. In the end of my term we manage to freed all US colony in South Asia and wiping Aussie at the same time even after admin cut 1,7 k gold and 60 k IDR from my national bank (we only lost to US because their coordination with their ally is better than Indonesia).

It was a huge dissapointment for all Indonesian and especially for me as CP. That lost not only a stain in Indonesia history but also made my government fell into a debt. Soon after that, i heard unpleasant news from my friends when Brazil-USA MPP was approved. More over, no one asked my opinion before. Even my MoD (koye) and vice CP (ekrem_chehab) were surprised when they knew it.

Couple hours after that MPP was approved, someone from Brazil contacted me and asking my opinion about that MPP. Note that, he did it after that MPP officially approved. The reason why he didn't contact me before because i rarely online at BIA. I thought it was because the differencies in time zone because i often joined #bia every time i online. Even my MoD and vice CP always online at BIA and no one said about that plan to them.

Could you imagine if Brazil lost in NoB against Spain and about a week later Indonesia or Argentina made MPP with Spain? The ink hadn't dry, the wound hadn't healed yet. Not even a month from Sumatra incident and my brother, Brazil, made MPP with my arch enemy.

My head not in the game at that time. Sumatra, Indonesian debt and PHX in the verge of collapse was my main focus. The last thing i want is BIA separation. To maintain good relationship in BIA, i agreed with it but i asked him a one question, "If US attack Indonesia native region, you will help us (Indonesia)?" I remembered when he said that Brazil will help Indonesia if US attack Indonesia native region. I satisfied with the answer and i tried to convinced my Indonesian friends that Brazil still our brother.

I admired my fellow Indonesian maturity. Even when their brother sign MPP with their arch enemies, they tried to put aside their hostile feeling towards US to respect our brother. No one, i said no one said Brazil is traitor at that time. When i put NoB or another Brazil campaign as priority, Indonesian deliberately fight for Brazil. You may check Indonesian military article, most of our military order goes to help Brazil and Argentina. Even after you made MPP with our arch enemy, did we love you less?

December 2010
Kandon was Indonesian CP at that time. He had a wonderful relationship with BIA especially Argentina (especially FlorenciaC, 😛). We respected Brazil and Argentina so we're not hunting US down in Tibet but we foccused to get resources from Mindanao and Sabah.

In this month, Brazil officially joined PANAM. I didn't know precisely how that's happened. But Indonesia still believe to her brother. They will help Indonesia every time Indonesia need them. That's why we didn't think too much about it. Although Brazil and Argentina asked Indonesia to join PANAM, Indonesia rejected it because we didn't want to hurt all of her brother and friend. Indonesia respected Brazil opinion and tried to avoid hostile act against US. But after a huge effort to put aside our ehatred towards US, they're keep pesting Indonesia. US helped Aussie and eden to freed all Aussie region at the same time. Although when we want to wiped them again, they surrendered (they won the battle, we won the war at a minimum cost, release QLD, NT, and TAS).

That was a signed that they (US) still keep ehatred towards Indonesia. Everyone saw it how US top tanker and seal 6 helped by EMC tanking in aussie. I miss to see the battle but from my friends's story, it was awesome. They (US) dealt million of damage against Indonesia. Was this an action from ppl who (they said) wanted to make Indonesia their ally?

January 2011
ekrem_chehab was a CP this time. He also had a woderfull relationship with BIA (especially fabio 😛) and Turkey. His biggest achievement is to help Turkish people accept them in Indonesia. That act showed to the world that Indonesia never leave their brother and friend behind, even after Turkish CP pretend the boycott and provided a way for US.

This month Argentina joined PANAM. After 2 from 3 BIA nations joined PANAM, Indonesia tried so hard to find another foe. We tried to free South Asia. But once again, US pesting Indonesia. Indonesia lost so badly. Same with Indonesia lost in Aussie, Sumatra and South Asia (against China) we lost at America Continent prime time.

Indonesia only won 1 region. After we realize that every time we won at Indonesia prime time Indonesia lost when America Continent prime time. ( Indonesia sleep time), finally we lost our spirit to attack China and Indonesian hostile feeling towards US became bigger.

February 2011
At this time, vosakz was the President and i act as vice CP. One of vosakz greatest achievement was to free Turkey from Greece occupation. AT the same time, we saw that US has MPP with Greece. W*F, If you married someone, don't cheat on him/her. (at that time Turkey still in PANAM and US hitting against Turkey).

Eventhough many Indonesian tried to forget ill feeling towards US, but after Aussie, China and Turkey finally Indonesian patient ran out. Yes they do not attack Indonesia directly but they pesting Indonesia, dealt millions of damage in a battle and they say it is personal tanking. Even someone propose impeachment to vosakz at that time because our ppl want a war with US.

If a country send her elite division and their best tanker to a war. Moreover they dealt millions of damage in a battle. Personal tanking my a*s!!!. All US said is the opposite. US intentionally make Indonesia as their enemy even after we tried to forget them by attacked China. We (Indonesia) always be blamed. After all we did in china when almost no ally support us in that battle, we lost in Aussie also at our sleep time. But when Indonesia just did one attack to Hawaii and nothing harm Brazil, almost everyone called us traitor because some people said so.

I don't know what version of story you've fed with. The truth is, Indonesia not choose to pick a side. But someone, some country push Indonesia to the other side. I am very dissapointed when many Brazilian even your government call Indonesia traitors. Do you see me, Matahari, ekrem_chehab, kandon, NicoSianipar, aban, latifa or Government of Indonesia call you a traitor when you hit Indonesia native region?

Did we ever hit your native region? Did we ever against you in a war? What we did was just attacking our enemy which keep pesting us in every step we took.

Do you still think that Indonesia is your brother? When edmako, suriat and others hitting Indonesia native region, did you send them a message? "Hey f*g, You're hitting our brother. They helped us numerous times. Stop pushing your red button." "Hey bro, they never attack Brazil, why you attack them after they them after millions of damage they dealt to defend Brazil? They never hit Brazil."

Like i said Indonesian is not blind. We saw who helped us. Argentina always there every time we need them. Serbia and Hungary was pushing very hard in Papua, Poland helped us (Indonesia) a lot in Kalimantan even Spain helped us. Eventhough Spain not help us so much because it's awkward for them to help Indonesia after Indonesia fight against Spain to defend Brazil numerous time. But Indonesia never forget they who help her. We want to repay their help. We help Argentina in RW, help Serbia and Hungary in their battles, defend Spain and Poland against US, France and other country.

At first Indonesia will help Spain against US, France via mobile army. But after crazy tanking from some Brazilian, maybe it changes my congressman point of view. But even all happened, Indonesia still has full commitment to help BIA.

Do you really think Indonesia is a traitor because some people said it? Note that i never called you traitor even in this article, even after all you have done in Papua.

I hope we don't have to meet in Battle Field again.