Dawn of the Dead

Day 323, 05:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, yesterday we talked about being stagnant, bored, waiting for things to spice up again. Rather than write an article about why a planned economy wouldnt work (to endlessly argue over something we'll never truly get to try anyway) or why Pakistan is or isnt as good as the UK (my opinion's the latter, but thats me), here's some more things you can do:

Another Wiki Sighting

So, yesterday I did a pretty short blurb about being a wiki editor. Many of us, myself included have edited the Wiki in our spare time (or what little we have), and have made pretty good strides on it. The UK's homepage has grown, although I'd like to see the Belgian section grow a bit more, and our personal pages are filling up quite nicely. If you're bored, or like to write/edit in the Wiki then this might be the thing to do.

I would say contact the Minister of Information, but all you really have to do is go to the Wiki Link (located [a url=http://wiki.erepublik.com/]here[/a] for you lazy people) and "request account" (should be top right corner if I remember). Paddy has been our main wiki editor, but others such as BBB, myself, Hassan, and the RCP have all edited from time to time. There's also a list of the Governmental Infrastructure of the UK (not sure if it's current to last week's election but I'm getting there) if you're interested in other things.

Subtle Warfare

Infinite growth of material consumption in a finite world is an impossibility. - I cant remember

This is true, and I'd like to remind all of you who still want to start finished goods companies: When we go live with V1, expect a large population increase. There's roughly 6K people waiting, and I'm assuming it's because they cut new membership off until the new version is released (kind of redundant to let them get used to this before releasing their new toy, right?). We will see large numbers of new citizens, who will want jobs. They will need stuff. Remember now is probably not the best time to open a brand new business. If you want to, then please feel free. I will in no way tie you down and gag you.

That was the PCP way of doing things 😛

So to those peoeple: Give them two weeks before opening it up. We're already fighting starvation to company GM's who cant seem to spread goods around evenly enough, lack of demand in every industry, and overproduction. Please. For the love of God man (or Dio for the former Pakistani we have amongst us 😛)

Work for Aurum

Now, I wouldnt be a very good capitalist if I didnt mention the companies I am a shareholder in, would I? Aurum is looking for Q5 workers in hospitals and food. We intend on being the UK's supplier of those things (and perhaps weapons, havent quite gotten that far yet). If you enjoy high quality goods, we'll need the workers to supply them. Remember production goes down with quality increase, so the more the merrier.

Why do you need Permission?

Ever have an idea that you think is really good? Ever want to start something you can call your own? Well, why the hell would you need permission? The forums are a great way to get yourself heard and get input on your ideas, and if it's a sound idea that has interest it'll only be that much easier to start up. I can say personally I welcome all ideas and thinking, whether I agree with them or not. If they work, then that's great. I'll support anyone I can if I can manage it.

That being said, it's recommended to at least run the ideas by the forums. You'll get solid input on the ideas, ways to run them, you might even find yourself a partner in crime, er business. You never quite know.

So, if you want to do something, let us know! Just register at our [a url=http://www.erepublik.co.uk]National Forums[/a] (forum link on top middle of page), and get to communicatin!

Aurum's Bookies

And finally, another shameless plug: Aurum's bookies is quite simply the best, and frankly the only Bookie in town. We wont even smash your kneecaps (although it does take some of the fun out of running it). Place a bet on our Premiership or NFL Pick'Em (please please please) today.

Minister of Trade
Overall Active and Helpful Person who really just doesnt want you to get bored and Give Up!