Current Affairs: Chapter One

Day 2,278, 23:28 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TAHA AHMED

So our geography and history lessons are done we will move on to current affairs. Current affairs is our last subject but has no fixed amount of chapters as things change in current affairs. On the advise of LogiclsEveryWhere I will now write the first article that contains pictures. Thank you for your advice.


Chapter One

David Smythe who was elected president on 5 February 2014 has arranged a cabinet that includes me as minster of education.

Prime Minster/HOC:rainy sunday
Minster of Defence: RomyTr
Minster of Foreign Affairs: Nebojsa M. Petrovic
Governer: FightAndProduce
Minster of Education: TAHA AHMED

The CP and MOFA are talking a lot about our country. Many people want to expand Pakistan. As described in my Geography article Pakistan has only one region and can not take back regions from China as it is very strong, many people recommend taking an Air Strike(An war that can be declared with non-neighbouring countries). Once the funds are filled we are expected to AS a country.

Pakistan is currently in the military alliance of WOLF that consists of two other countries Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Other then that Pakistan has MPPs(mutual protection pact) with Argentina(expires tomorrow)and Belgium(expires in 4 days).

So this is the where Pakistan stands. See more about Current Affairs in Chapter Two of current affairs.

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