CP Candidates

Day 1,380, 01:15 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz

eCanada is to embark on it's monthly harangue of meaningless words that typifies our CP elections.

Sperry was an exceptional communicater during the last invasion and galvinised individuals to do more than they ordinarily would, which is exactly what was required. Wally Cleaver went missing in action and since Treian took over the normal bickering has resumed...

Our main choices in this election are therefore Treian, Ariela or perhaps the notorious theif Rolo.

Rolo has an ongoing feud with CAF and more recently with Coda. He alleges corruption etc etc. He may be right, he may be wrong - I don't know. If he has a case presumably he could speak to the Attorney General or bring a private case against Coda in the Court. It is NOT a policy nor a reason why he should become CP. It is a private feud... Wy then does he wish to be CP again? Perhaps for the same reason as last time: TO STEAL. As George Dubya once famously burbled "Fool me once shame on you... fool me twice, can't get fooled again".

Treian is a pair of 'capable hands'. Lots of experience but no real action. Since taking over from Wally Cleaver I have seen two articles by Treian and neither particularly inspiring or informative. This is NOT a criticism of Treian... it is normal.

Which brings us to Ariela, in many ways the outsider... When announcing his candidacy he bemoans this lack of polical activity that makes it 'normal' not to debate matters openly and that makes it nromal that you never hear from a CP. Indeed the last I spoke about an issue (the training war with Portugal before eUSA was cleared) I was told pretty sharply to "hush! We need medals". Maybe I was wrong in arguing that eUSA should be cleared first but I was NOT wrong in raising the issue. This is precisely what Ariela is speaking about: Without debate there no accountability and no alternative, and no, ossibly better ideas, are generated.

eGovernment is about comminity participation and for this reason Arielas call for a re-invigoration of political debate on a public scale opens the field to radicly change eCanada, for better or for worse perhaps but a re-invigoration of our whole esociety. For this reason I shall be voting for Ariela and I urge you do the same.

(You now have permission to troll away Rolo)