Congressional Elections Approaching

Day 363, 18:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

With the recent boom in population, I'm sure many of you are wondering what's next. There's only so much you can do from a technical standpoint here in Erepublik. On your first day, you probably bought some food, found a job, maybe read a few articles. Normal stuff, which is pretty much the same thing we all did our first day.

But there's much much much more.

In Erepublik, almost every country has their own forums, whether they're established or not. Australia has one, and it's under Indonesian rule. Belgium has their own, and they merged with the UK some six months ago. Each and every country has it's own infrastructure that you won't find here. You'll see a nice list of people in Congress, a President (or, if you're like me a Prime Minister), and so on but nothing in the way of true Government structure.

Since you're in the UK, however, you're at an advantage. We've got the largest public National Forum in the eWorld. We've got the House of Commons, tutorials, and tons of the "old geezers" like me who can guide you around Erepublik, the United Kingdom, and all it's glory.

Join the forums, as many of you have been wondering how to get involved. Sure, you can read about the NHS. But actually signing up for it means going to the forums. Yes, you can message Stan to take Core classes, but taking them requires the forums. I don't know how to say it over and over, so I'll simply say it over and over:

Join the forums.

For any new citizens out there, let me tell you a bit about the Commons structure, and what we like to see in the UK. You can make your own judgements, but for some time we've been able to brag about having the strongest democratic political structure in the world. We've got checks and balances, we've got Commons who gets a say in almost every decision we make. There's no possible way to cheat the Government in the UK, because of those exact regulations.

If you're interested, we're looking for new talent! We've set up our House of Lords (which admittedly needs amending to include something along the lines of required terms in HoC to be eligible and differentiation between what qualifies as a Lord and simply going around the democratic process), but some of our older citizens are looking to kick back in their rocking chairs.

If you want to be in Congress, join the forums.

It's the secret to success, although not very well kept in the UK. We want you to join, we want you to post, we want you to be active. If you end up anything like me you'll spend most of the day just checking in to make sure nothing huge has happened. We're not judging, that's a good thing.

So, in closing, welcome, and join the friggin forums!

PM of the UK