Congressional Elections and the Future

Day 340, 10:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

With the coming of today's Congressional Elections, we've seen the release of our primary competition's Manifesto for October.

It's no surprise, really. The problem is that was last month. They need to learn to get with the times. We're moving into November, things are beginning to show signs of life, and soon we should all have things like the war module to play with. Finland's back as a country, and other changes are sure to happen.

When I moved to the UK in August, I had no intentions of being a President. I had no desire to, but eventually I ended up being put into the General Elections due to time constraints on the other candidates from the Party.

During that election, I was criticised for running for several reasons, and none of them were truly warranted.

-I was told that I was a foreigner trying to take over a country, which I was not. I've proven that completely false, considering I've spent 3 months so far, and more to come working as hard as anyone trying to improve the UK.

-I was told I should learn the UK system of Government first. I've done that, spending two months in Commons thus far, most likely a third coming up, and two months as the Minister of Trade. Under my direction, I've increased the funds available to my office through trading by 200%, worked on our Raw Materials systems, and have been trying to develop 4 apprentices all at the same time. So I think I can check that off the list.

-I've been told I'm non-cooperative. I think, based on the fact that I don't really care who's in what Party when I work with them (to which several party members from every other party can attest to) proves that wrong, along with the sheer amount of time I spend working on things.

-And I could include the fact that I am one of the most active members in both the cabinet and Commons.

So, I am announcing that I am running for Prime Minister for the United Kingdom. I've had my 3 month break, and I am once again ready to show why I feel that I am the best candidate. Over the next few days, I am going to release my platforms on what I stand for personally, and what we will accomplish together through non-partisan work. Notice I didnt say politics.

I am not a President in training. With me, you do not have to wait for them to learn how to use things like the Money Market, nor do you have to worry about me stealing a few hundred Gold. I'm already accomplished in business, and not only do I have the economic background here, but I've also got an extensive Foreign Relations and Military portfolio built as well.

Simply put, I'm here to help the UK, and remain in the UK. I have no intention, from here on out to leave. It has become my home, and I intend on remaining here until I am old and eGray. I am trying to learn how to do this for someone else's benefit, and already know a good portion of the job.

The problem in the UK, currently, isnt economic. It isn't in the Army. It's the fact that we've got thirty-nine (yes, I'm being sarcastic) committee's and teams and groups trying to accomplish things half way, rather than making sure our basic things are done. Our basic responsibilities have to be handled, in an organized fashion. And timely. Let's not forget that.

Naysayers can say what they want, but facts are facts. I'm proven, successful, and I have the moxy to make the correct decision, even when it isnt the popular one, simply because it's the correct one.

So, today, vote for the UKRP. And during the next General Elections, vote Dishmcds for a stronger and more organized UK!

Back to the Basics in November 08!