Concerning Blejk and the use of Multis

Day 832, 05:36 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

I was saddened to see the following announcement in Manong's article the other day:

"eBelgian Congress Member Blejk has been permanently suspended due to an alleged use of multis! Blejk apologizes to the eBelgian populace by fervently stating that he did not use the multis during the past elections to secure his seat. He says that due to his defection from his former EDEN allies that knew some of the "dirt" he had, they used it against him when he turned and sided with eBelgium. Nonetheless, he apologizes truly from his heart and will come back and join us, side-free and dirt-free."

I had spoken with Blejk a few times last term and had respected his position and the stance he took. While it was to early to say we were friends, I would like to think that would happen in time.

I am highly disappointed to learn that he was a cheater.

The creation and use of multis FOR ANY reason is unacceptable and should not be condoned or minimized by ANYONE.

I realize that I have probably more investment in the battle against multis and cheaters then most people in the game, but when I hear people try to justify or explain cheating as something we should accept, I truly wonder why you play a game.

Do you choose to play any other game with people you know cheat? Would you play Poker or Monopoly or Chess with someone who is going to cheat? Why would you want to play this game with them?

Cheating is a plague on eRepublik and one that requires the players to take a stand and get active about. If anyone is interested in becoming more active in the battle against cheaters, please send me a message.

If the people of Belgium would want me to ask for a thorough examination of their elected and appointed officials, please let me know.