Come To The Dark Side

Day 841, 10:03 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

I was getting ready to write another article about BLT when I started to check on some things.

One thing that caught my eye was this little fact: The Free Belgium Party has 52% majority of Congress.

Yes, that is right, the party of the "evil PTO'ers" has control over the Congress of Belgium.

But wait, what wrong doing has the Free Belgium Party done with its lock on Congress?

Where is the endless string of laws designed to destroy Belgium?

Where is the raiding of the treasury to line our pockets?

Answer: There is none.

While many of our party may not have been born in RL Belgium, it does not mean that we do not act in the interests of eBelgium.

I hope that as many of our new citizens approach the level when they can join a political party, they consider joining us.