CLOSED - Q7 Stockpile Sale

Day 4,728, 14:16 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian Civil Defence

Because the price of weapons has increased recently, and to encourage Canadians to take this opportunity to rank up while it is relatively cheap, the Government of Canada is opening up the Q7 stockpile.

Open for Canadian citizens only!

To make a purchase, simply leave a comment below stating how many you'd like to purchase and donate the appropriate amount of money to Mann551.

The price per Q7 weapon is 100 cc per weapon.

Limit of 100 Q7 weapons per player per in game day.


Exalted Druid wants to buy weapons. He leaves a comment today on this article asking for 100 Q7 weapons, the maximum amount, and sends Mann551 10,000 cc.
Exalted Druid still wants weapons, so he leaves another comment on this article tomorrow asking for 100 Q7 weapons. He sends another 10,000 cc to Mann551.
Exalted Druid still wants weapons, so he leaves another comment on this article on Sunday, asking for 100 Q7 weapons. He sends another 10,000 cc to Mann551.

And so on until the stockpile sale is closed, as is indicated in the title of this article.

Transparency Record
The following players have purchased Q7 weapons at the specified amount during this round of sale:

Hellzfire312 - 300
Helixer - 300
Chochi - 200
kiisupai - 200
ultimate523 - 100
Karl004 - 100
Kippers - 100