Campaign Stop #2: Liverpool

Day 342, 06:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

As promised, I've stopped in my place of residence on my trip from the office in London to talk about Foreign Affairs. This is obviously not going to be nearly as detailed as it should for security sake, but should provide a good outline.


Belgium has been an integral part of the UK for some time now. They have contributed to our Governing body as well as their own, and we have been co-dependant on each other. In the coming months, there are several possibilities in what may lie ahead for Belgium.

-Belgium may ask for their independence. I feel that since they merged of their own will, they should be allowed to ask for their independence of their own will as well, so long as it doesnt threaten the UK. We've made friends with the Belgians over the last few months, and they've proven they can manage on their own. I personally feel the UK has a lot to offer them should they choose to remain in the way of security and market advantage, but if they choose it, I will support their independence.

Resistance Wars

We all know of several resistance wars that may eventually happen. Australia, Russia, Switzerland, and several other countries that have been overtaken for various reasons, and the UK may very well get involved in some of them. Retaining sovereignity, like the Belgians, is extremely important to people, and we shall support those wishes in any way deemed fit.

-Australia has been an ally of the UK for some time now, and the Aussie population has contributed heavily to our society, including one Presidential candidate in this election.

-Other allies such as Switzerland may attempt to fight for their freedom as well, and we will look into each and every situation on a case by case basis and help where it's deemed necessary by the War Council.


Ireland has long been an ally of the UK. Over the last few months, after a coup by Victor Petrescu and new leadership, we intend to establish a new, stronger bond than before. We want to work closely with the Irish, as they were instrumental in the development of alliances and several other key aspects of our society, and will defend them wholeheartedly in any situation. We look forward to talking more with their leadership and population, which has also contributed another member to the Presidential race, seeing as FD just moved back from Ireland about a week ago.


Our military has been one of the Crown Jewels of the UK for some time. Between the Reserves and the Para's, we're known worldwide for our tactical operations and advantages we provide on the battlefield. I intend on increasing the effectiveness of our Military by increasing it's size and preparedness, both with activity and new positions such as Comms officers and Medics, allowing newer players to get a taste of the honour received while fighting alongside the greatest fighting force in the world.


Overall, as I've said before, we don't need complex. Complex is usually difficult to implement and even harder to remain vigilant. We need basic skill-sets applied to known technique and experience. Relationships around the world, both in our own group of allies along with "the other guys", I believe myself to be the best equipped, serving two full terms as President elsewhere along with 2 terms in cabinet here in the UK.

I look forward to a scheduled debate with the other candidates. Whether it's a live debate or simply a PM'd group of set questions, I feel that I can show the qualification and experience necessary.

