Campaign Outline #1 - Back to the Basics

Day 341, 13:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

This is a basic outline of my campaign platforms for the upcoming General Elections. I've always felt like a prompt person, and I always try to make my intentions known early on.

We eLive in uncertain times. There have been plenty of schemes, plans, and committees that have started over the last three months with good intentions, and that could be somewhat successful if carried out properly. What we lack, however, is basic structure. I am not going to promise a complex economic theory or strategy or plans or committees or groups or structure. What I will promise, however, is a strong leader. One who already knows the basic outline of how it's done, and isnt afraid to speak up. I'm not afraid of criticism, and face it head on, most times on a daily basis. I'm vocal, outspoken, and stand behind any decision made for the benefit of my country, whether it be popular or unpopular.

Basically speaking, I will not waiver or conform based on public opinion. If it's for the best, then it's for the best.

Organizational Structure

If you look at the current UK Governmental structure, you'll find about 30 people handling way too much responsibility. From our Honours Committee to the War council to the British Academy (thanks Squiddy) to Unions to Social Responsibility Contract to the Workers Scheme, there's about 10 different things handled primarily by a small group of people. I personally feel that this is a problem. As of now, there's really no checks and balances system in place to make sure a Minister or Department is actually doing what they say, and in order to ensure the following things get done I will:

-Institute weekly meetings for the "cabinet". Each week an outline will be made up for all departments, and passed out via email. If those are unable to attend for whatever reason, like any "job", I'd expect a reply stating a reason (even if it's vague like "RL" or personal), and thoughts regarding the particular department that is not going to attend.

-Institute "minimal requirements" for each Department based on goals that will be set in private meetings with myself and the Minister for that Department. If, for example, our Foreign Affairs goals are to establish good relations with X country, I'd expect a report (done weekly) on status of those relations. This is to ensure that guidelines are being followed.

-Institute a pay system for Gov't employees. I personally feel that the amount of work asked of people (take the position we all used to call Mayor, for example) is a large workload, and people may not want to do it based on not really earning anything for it. A small wage for each department, which can be made up very easily (I have a proposal in Commons at the moment that would take less than 1% of our Food Income Tax to pay). This is to promote involvement in our Gov't, teach, train, and familiarize people with the way the Gov't operates, and ensure that the workloads of individuals dont get too large, simply out of necessity or lack of involvement.

Economic Outline

It's no secret I'm a free market advocate. As I've already said, people are and should be able to choose their own paths, make their own successes, as well as their own failures. We are here to ensure the market availability and profitability of companies in the UK, but if they choose to make poor business decisions, then ultimately the fault lies with the GM.

Once again, we are in basic times. For all the schemes and plans that lie around, proposed and trying to make people feel good about what they could bring, the bottom line is the applicability to those schemes. Things that take time and effort to organize and complete cannot be implemented in such an early stage of V1. We've spent a year in our economy with 6 industries, upgrading them, improving their ability to produce goods.

Now, they've changed the productivity formula and added 6 new industries that we've had to start from square one on. Each and every country has to endure this economic renaissance, and has to come up with ways to promote their raw materials to match the economic output of the 6 veteran industries. Raw Materials companies have suffered from the RM "gifts" the admins gave out, and since then we've suffered in producing various materials we dont naturally contain. We've sustained rather well in most industries, partly due to the plans laid out well before RM were ever released.

Frankly put, we don't need complex plans. We need basic management. We need to revert back to June and July when we were in upgrade and basic management mode of companies that existed to create opportunity for newer players to enter the market. If we do not, newer citizens will get bored and quit, and we'll create a vacuum.

That being said, there are companies that will be unable to sustain in various markets. Q1 food is basically useless in the new formula. Q1 weapons have minimal use, and outside of gifts Q1 is really only good for one thing: training.

We need to support, through free will, the movement from people in lower quality companies to higher quality ones.

Like I said, basic. Things we've done for months, we need to revert back to them.

In the upcoming campaign stop, I intend on stopping in Liverpool, the place of my residence to speak to people about my views on Military and Foreign Affairs. It can be rather lengthy, so it's best to keep this a minimum. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to post them here or PM them to me.


Minister of Trade