Bulgaria & Turkey

Day 1,545, 00:53 Published in Romania Romania by 8-3=1

The last few days are taken up by the discussion about Turkey joining Eden and Bulgaria not agreeing to it- and consequently not signing an MPP with Turkey. A new proposal of MPP was launched and again it seems Bulgaria will refuse it. Quite a catch, isn't it, and ONE can barely hide their excitement.

It's all in Eden hands to resolve this situation thru negotiation.

The facts are:
1. Bulgaria was and is a good member of Eden. Always helpful, always there when it was needed.
2. Turkey is a new-comer. A big power, dissapointed by One members- happy to look for new friends. They even managed to overcome their problems with Greece, their biggest enemy in game sofar (remember the daily ping-pong in Greek/Turkish regions).
3. It seems there is no way to make Bulgaria and Turkey friends- at the moment. The spirits are high and the big complaint is that Turkey is not really commited to Eden and they kept fighting against Bulgaria or ignoring orders in Eden to fight for Bulgaria.

What I think:
1. The truth is always in the middle. There is no party who is 100% right.
2. Bulgaria is somehow right to have its doubts about Turkey. Bulgaria is a member of Eden and has a right to have their voice listened to. If Eden is imposing on Bulgaria then the whole concept of Eden brotehrhood will be changed.
3. Eden did not do a mistake by welcoming Turkey. Turkey is a big country and a potential good ally. The military power Turkey brings is considerable and can change the fate of many battles. However there is always small part of Turkey who is commited to One (see the turks fighting for Hungary etc). But overall Eden had a gain by welcoming Turkey.

The one mistake Eden did was to hurry up with Eden membership for Turkey. All countries should go thru same process and Turkey cannot complain if they are subject to same procedure. Give it another month for Turkey to show their commitment for Eden, fight in the battles (including the ones Bulgaria has, or- to make things better- MAINLY in the battles Bulgaria has) and it will all be sorted out. Pull out the diplomacy, leave the negociators discuss and find the best solution- and it will be for the better of the alliance.

All this exchange of words in the last few days comes from just a little tiny procedure mishap. It is not too late to change it, and give time for Bulgaria and Turkey to patch up their differences.