Building Bridges and Royal Quiz!

Day 1,924, 22:46 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

There has been a lot of recent talk about building bridges in the UK over the last 4 or 5 months, but, is it really possible?

I believe the answer to this is two-fold, and at first seemingly contradictory.

The answer, friends and enemies alike is Yes and No.

How did I come to this seeming contradictory answer? Parties will always seek competition in order to build up numbers, support and gain political power. This naturally leads to aggression, especially when one group goes against what is perceived as the 'norm' in political discourse.

Competition is a good thing, otherwise we might as well all join one party called 'The eUK Political Team' or something like that. Lets face it, theres always going to be something each party disagrees on, even if it is merely the colour that the party should use. It is when this descends into being degradation, as it has from members of nearly all the parties that this division becomes and issue. Frankly, it is not on. I am not merely referring to insults and hate or even just mud, but framing, lying and cheating.

This all said, there is a ray of hope, political unity can be formed in the form of alliances between some parties who see a way to work together, such as The Unity Party and UKRP or New Era and PCP. There is also another alliance, that of personal groupings, such as that seen in RFeists current cabinet. This involves reaching out to members within parties and ignoring those who it is impossible to work with.

At the end of the day, division always will be there, there will always be those figures who fight, throw mud, insult, degrade and all too often those in the middle get sucked in on one side or another. We have to choose that, while we fight for our own view, we can reach out and build bridges between members of parties.

This is the only way to effectively build bridges. And can be done, and must be done.

One another note, a reminder for the Royal Quiz this Wednesday at #eWoldy on the rizon server at 9PM GMT. More info can be found here

Prizes will be there.

For the funniest team name: 2 Gold each (judges will be Mr Woldy and myself)
Overall winners: 3 gold each
Runners Up: 2 Gold each
Third Place: 10 Q7's each

Everyone else gets to have fun as their prize!