Building a Stronger India

Day 1,281, 20:28 Published in India Netherlands by rainy sunday
Missions, Missions, Missions...

Yes, we have shiny new missions and the rewards of all three are strength and experience points. I want to help ensure all Indian citizens have the opportunity to gain strength increases before the time limit expires so I'm offering some FREE STUFF. woohoo!

Don't bypass the offer just because it's free. I know some of us are strong-willed and fiercely independent, and that's really great. (you know who you are) I too like to earn my own way but if you're short on funds or supplies this week, please don't hesitate to take advantage now and repay me later or return the favor to someone else in the future. Read on for details and eligibility.

Mission 30: Defend your land (I)
Mission available until day 1,288 - 00:00 (eRepublik time)

- Train 3 days in a row.
- Have 30 weapons in your inventory.

+15 Strength
+2 Experience points

I am offering 30 FREE weapons each to 10 people to assist in completing Mission 30: Defend your land I.

To qualify:
- you must be an active Indian citizen
- you must not own a weapons factory (or multiple companies of any kind)
- you must be registered at eIndia National Forum

Mission 31: Defend your land (II)
Mission available until day 1,288 - 00:00 (eRepublik time)

-Restore 500 health in one day.
-Have 50 food in your inventory.

+25 Strength
+10 Experience points

I am offering 50 FREE food each to 10 people to assist in completing Mission 31:Defend your land II.

To qualify:
- you must be an active Indian citizen
- you must not own a food factory (or multiple companies of any kind)
- you must be registered at eIndia National Forum

To request supplies you may reply by commenting below or sending me a message directly.
Please specify weapons or food and quantity needed.
Since Missions are for a limited time, Act Now!
I will distribute items promptly after reviewing requests and checking eligibility. Additional requests may be filled depending on number of responses and available supplies.

If you wish to contribute to the effort, any donations happily accepted.
Donations will be recorded and any excess items will be set aside for New Citizen assistance programs.

For a complete overview of all Missions and Rewards, see: eRepublik Wiki: Missions

Register Today!