BLT Answers

Day 827, 06:29 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

I have to admit that I was pleased by the votes for my article about BLT or Belgian Limitation Talks. Writing articles is a new experience for me, my history in eRepublik was not one of public life. I tended to focus on my job and left all this press business to others. Since starting to write, I have been trying different approaches to getting my message out as well as hopefully inform or entertain.

I looked at the responses to the BLT and saw that a few questions were put forth, and I am going to try to answer them.

Daniecox wrote,
“How will you determine who is from what country?”

You mean aside from my lists of every Belgian in the game?

Well, to answer this question, I should probably talk a little bit more about what I have been doing in this game before becoming a congressman here. I had started the game as a two-clicker like most people. I never really got involved in politics or even really the country’s forum. I did join the military just to do something at the time.

I was actually getting close to quitting the game when the person that I had entered into a business investment with was complaining that our company could not compete in the market. I started to try and figure out what he was doing wrong, and started to look at our competitors, to try and figure out what they were doing differently. What I had figured out was that they were employing multis to staff their company. This led to me filing a ticket to Admin and waiting for them to act on it.

While waiting, I started looking at other people and organizations, and found more multis. This led me to realize the need for an organized approach to combating the cheaters in this game. To that end, I founded a group that has been quite successful in finding and reporting multis throughout the entire game world.

Given that I have been hunting multis since July, I know a few way of finding things out.

Taking you for example Daniecox, a quick look reveals that you are a Phoenix loyalist with heavy ties to the United Kingdom. A good part of the time, you fail to fight to full effect for Phoenix. In the last few battles where Belgium had existed as a country, you actually fought against Belgium. You signed up on the Belgium forum on February 12 and have not been back since the 13th. So I am pretty secure in my assessment to put you down in the Phoenix column of the list.

“How will you make people give up citizenship? “

We can’t make people give up their citizenship. All I am proposing is that the leadership of the various PTO/ATO organizations get together and agree to start having their operatives give up their Belgian citizenship. The people who want Belgium to be able to be independent do not want 1200+ voters sitting in wait. I am also pretty sure that many of the actual people want to return to their original nationality, or at least the nationality of the country they are in.

“How will you stop congressmen allowing their friends in once the other side has given up their voters?”

I can’t stop that. It is a part of the game, but it is a measured function as opposed to last month when both alliances were able to send as many people as they wanted to get citizenship. The idea again is to reduce the crowd of “Belgians” sitting in wait. If they are actually wanting to take part in Belgium activity, or even just chime in every now and then with a comment or two, that would be something.

I am not expecting BLT to be a quick process, but I do believe it is the best idea for Belgium’s future and independence.