Best aTO organization ever!

Day 2,004, 08:47 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno
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Hello everyone,

For those who forgot, I'm the only one who took pTOers' party over in South Africa. (in last 1 year at least)

Current Grim-l*cker thought he can do what I did. You know, all parties should have one candidate so everyone can go and vote for aTO. Grim-l*cker's own party has 4 candidates.

Take a look at anthhrax, one of candidates. He is just approved and immediately run for UP presidency and tried to bribe people. Really good job, government!

Let's take a look at other parties,

IA - has 2 candidates
Party of FYROMians - 2
LL - 2
OOP - 3
Party of US citizens - 3

Do you wonder what the result is?

This is f*cking awesome!