Beginnings: A New Star was born

Day 1,246, 23:55 Published in India Netherlands by rainy sunday

Hey Superstar, right click above & let's dance our way through this introduction together!

Welcome to eIndia, young citizen! Are you ready to get in The Game? Yes? Great. Let's go!

The following guidance includes information readily available throughout the game itself, eRepublik Wiki and weighted by my own experience steadily playing eRepublik approaching two full years. My experiences may be much different than the experiences of others and I encourage you to forge your own journey. There may be oversights or errors in my writing or the source material so if you find a discrepancy, please inform me so it can be corrected.

Before we get into the 'nuts and bolts' of the game, I wish to share four key points that I believe are essential to your success and enjoyment at any level of game-play in eRepublik.

Communication is the real work of leadership. ~Nitin Nohria

#1 Communicating with the Community: I cannot stress this enough, communicating regularly with the established player base is the single most advantageous thing you can do as a new player. In my experience, nearly every group at every level of participation in the game is eager to welcome you and help you realize your goals. It begins with quality communication, a balance of listening and speaking up. Listen, learn and let us hear your voice.
Important community links for beginners eIndian National Forum | eIndia Chat | National News
eIndian National Forum: Register today and post your introduction in The Welcome Center. The forum is a great place to ask for help, learn how your government functions, share ideas with and become more familiar with the active citizens of your nation. It's also one avenue where your Country President and Congress representatives hold discussion on the future direction of your country.
eIndian Chat Room: Find us on the rizon server, channel: #India. If you're new to irc (internet relay chat), no worries. Using irc is a lot like using any other IM service only so much better! Here's a handy guide to walk you through getting started IRC 101 (Guide & FAQs) Come chat with other players in real time.
Citizen Feeds or 'shouts': Add friends to hear all the latest news and gossip on the grapevine right from your homepage.
Newspapers: Read, read, read and write. Right? Write! One time start-up fee of 2 Gold. Owning a paper is not essential but recommended, particularly if you wish to pursue a career in politics. If politics aren't your cup of tea, the entire world loves quality journalism, war reports and economic analysis.

It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver. ~M. Gandhi

#2 Managing your health: Good health is essential to your success at work and on the battlefield. Always try to keep your health above 90+ at the day change. By exercising a little self-discipline and learning to balance your daily activities, you will have no trouble advancing your citizen's skill, strength, military rank and achieve financial security.

Youth is the time of getting, middle age of improving, and old age of spending. ~A. Bradstreet

#3 Managing your finances: When you began a Citizen fee of 5 INR was deducted from eIndia's Treasury and deposited into your citizen account. 5 Rupee doesn't last long and none of us wish to see you waste away your earnings or wither and die so we'll discuss good practices to get the 'biggest bang for your buck'. eRepublik may be a free browser game but your gold awards and daily work earnings hold tangible value to your future successes and the success of your nation.

To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time. ~Leonard Bernstein

#4 Managing your time: For a game that really requires only a few clicks to complete your daily tasks, time management is easily one of the greatest challenges in eRepublik. eRepublik is very much a social game and it takes some time to build social connections. While you are first learning the game and developing your personal game strategy it's imperative to take a little time to explore the community and start developing social ties as well.

*Fun fact: 9 out of 10 living eRep citizens will tell you they continue to play the game for the social aspect. The other 1 is a freak of nature. Go add some new friends!

It is important for soldiers to manage their available time well, choosing their battles and learning the most efficient channels to communicate with their military leaders. We'll discuss smart fighting and military opportunities for new citizens in greater detail in a future article.

If a political career is your ambition, planning your use of time is no less important. Again, in depth details in a later edition about political campaigns, elections and the responsibilities of holding office.

Learning to tell time: a few minutes to remember
• eRepublik time is GMT -8 or Pacific Time or 12:30 noon IST (1:30 during daylight savings in the west)
• Every day change (server reset) you will automatically lose up to -4 health* depending on the range of health that you ended the day with. Remember to eat food to heal up before working the following day.
• Save the Date! Several events in eRepublik have a fixed schedule, most notably political elections. To review important dates, visit Time in eRepublik This schedule is useful in planning a political campaign but you may want to check with your Party President for any other recommendations before placing your candidature.

The Basics: Daily tasks


• Visit the Job Market to find a job offer that suits you.
• Get yo Muny
• Gain +2 experience points per completed work day
• Gain work skill. As your work skill levels up, so does your productivity.
• Your health loss is determined by the Quality level of the company you work for. The company's Quality level is depicted by the number of stars shown beneath the company name in the Job Market listings.

• Avoid using Gold Boosters to work. Given the rates on the monetary market, this is a huge waste and gives extremely insignificant benefit to either you or your employer for the expense.
• Be a good employee – work daily and with 90+ or higher health for maximum productivity.
• Find a good employer – a good manager will be responsive to your messages, don't hesitate to introduce yourself and ask for their advice. Your successes are their successes and most are happy to offer help or point you in the right direction if you run into trouble.
• Work skill level – check the Job Market often and make sure you're receiving a competitive wage when your work skill levels up. If you've found a stable job with a good company manager, negotiate before leaving for higher pay elsewhere.
• Commune opportunities - various groups operate communes or cooperative companies. Most government recognized militaries and independent militia-type groups offer guaranteed supplies or a flat weekly stipend dispatched to your account via donation in exchange for a lower daily wage. This can be very beneficial to all involved, maximizing your ability to deal targeted damage on the battlefield without being restricted by fluctuating market prices and currency values. Talk to the recruiter for details if you are offered a commune job and make sure you are working with a reputable group.
• Working as a Manager (Company Owner) - reduces your health by -10 points. We'll cover Company Management more in depth in a future article.
• Work 30 consecutive days and you'll earn your very own Hard Worker Medal and a 5 Gold Award!

Training Grounds

• Gain +7.5 Strength (+5 base Strength gain and an additional +2.5 using the Free +10% booster)
• Gain +2 experience points per training session
• Lose -1 health point for daily training session
• New citizens should avoid using paid gold boosters to train. As you level up and accumulate more gold, you might opt to select .19 gold booster (+50😵 to speed your Strength advancement without going broke.
• Invite some friends to gain an additional 10% bonus Strength increase. (Your friends must be living citizens and at or above level 10 for you to qualify for the bonus)
• Natural Enemy Bonus - every citizen with citizenship of the declaring country gets a 10% bonus while training.
• Advance 250 strenth points and achieve your first Super Soldier Medal and a 5 Gold Award!

Get Reward

Bonus! Add +10 work skill, +1 strength and +1 experience point for a simple click!

Easy enough, right? One more critical thing: Don't forget to eat.

The Basics: Missions

Missions: Rewards vary per Mission. You can view a detailed list of all Mission requirements and rewards in the eRepublik Official Wiki. For now, we'll look at Beginner and Intermediate Missions.

Beginner Missions
Mission 1: We are all warriors Your first training exercise. +2xp
Mission 2: Food is scarce Introduces you to the marketplace. +2xp +10 Health
Mission 3: Join the rebuilding effort Time to find a job & get to work +2xp +200 work skill
Mission 4: Image matters Here you'll access edit profile and upload your avatar. Smile! +2xp

Intermediate Missions
Mission 5: Offense is the best defense Back to market to buy a weapon. +2xp +1 Q1 weapon
Mission 6: A future Hero Defeat 5 enemies in battle. +2xp
Mission 7: Working days Work for 5 consecutive days. +2xp +200 work skill
Mission 8: Super Soldier Advance 250 strength points and achieve your first Super Soldier award. +2xp
Mission 9: Society builder Invite ten people who have reached experience level 10 and earn the Society Builder Award. +10xp

*Your regular dose of Unsolicited advice: Don't waste your precious Gold unlocking Missions. The rewards rarely never outweigh the expense in gold so pace yourself, spend within your means and the opportunity to complete most (if not all) missions will come in ample time.

Remember to subscribe and join me next time for An Intro to eRepublik Politics and answer the age-old newbie question 'What else is there to do?'
New Citizens Need a little help getting started? Over-do it on the battlefield?
Send me a message & add me as a friend. Whether it's some food to get you back on your feet or a question about How the game works if I can't help, I'll find someone who can.


rainy sunday

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