Awakening of the Beast: Special Edition

Day 364, 23:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Today, I stand here at this podium, speaking about the situation going on around the world. There is certainly an eruption awaiting us any time, in the form of an invasion into friendly soil in South America. What started several months ago for a power hungry country in Asia is certainly coming to fruition, with the invasion of South America, a peaceful continent whose citizens have never been outwardly aggresive towards one single country in the history of our World.

I'm not talking about Real Life, nor any "friendly rivalry", I'm talking about eHistory. The only battle Argentina has faced was the defence of South Africa, a just and worthy cause, yet now we see Indonesians and Brazilians, upset at their own inability to learn how to occupy and strengthen their own countries without the use of warfare, which is largely their own incapacity to manage their people, which has caused this world event.

So, now we turn to what can be called a Cold War. We find ourselves in a pickle, really. Outwardly, Indonesia and Brazil will say they're waiting to see what Spain does in Portugal. Inwardly, they're too cowardly to follow through with it, knowing that the joint forces of Atlantis, numbering well over fifteen thousand troops, with the capabilities to send more than ten of those into Atlantis from their native countries, will be waiting for them.

They claim aggression from Atlantis. It was not Atlantis that invaded China, India, Australia, and South Africa. It was not Atlantis that engineered the takeover of Poland, nor was it Atlantis that masterminded this act of heartless aggression.

I will warn you once: Atlantis, and all of it's members will not look kindly on these acts should you choose to initiate battle. We have the size and power to turn your entire Alliance upside down, and will choose to enact that authority if provoked. Do not test us, for you will only accomplish one goal:

To awaken a sleeping Giant, and unify us into the World Power we are.

Think long and hard on these words. Declare anything you want on Atlantis, but remember this isn't your little sister you're talking to.

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom