Day 611, 10:36 Published in USA Czech Republic by milestailsprower

Ok guys, once again, I'm having an auction with a few things going on...

I'm auctioning my Q2 house off because I want to buy a nice Q3 house. So here's the deal...

The cheapest market prices for Q2 houses in America right now are about 460 USD or so. That's about 9.2 gold I think. I'm willing to sell my house for less.

I will start the bids at 375 USD. That's around 7.5 gold. Much cheaper than the market price I must say.

So without further ado, here are the rules...

The starting bid is 375 USD.

Bids must be in dollar amounts. Not gold.

To bid, simply post your bid as a comment. Bidding will continue until 8:00 PM Central Standard Time on July 26. If no new bids are made within 24 hours of the last bid, the final bid will stand.

If you win the bid, a mail will be sent to you stating that you pay 40% of the said bid before the house is given to you. Then you will send the rest of the payment afterwards (within 48 hours after the house is sent to you).

If you cannot pay the 40% at the start or would be unable to pay the rest within 48 hours afterwards, then the next bidder will be sent notification instead.

I reserve the right to stop the auction at any time.

Ok. So get the bids in by July 26, 8:00 PM Central Standard Time and then pay 40% of what you said. Then I'll deliver the house. Then you can send the rest...

Hope you like my generosity 😉
