As the smoke clears

Day 847, 06:32 Published in Belgium Brazil by Rod Damon

As the smoke clears on a brand new day, we once again can see that all the doom and gloom predictions of those who follow the calling of the flaming bird, hence forth who should be referred to as Chicken Littles, were false. Yes, the Chicken Little propaganda pundits were wrong yet again. All they do is spread distrust and misinformation in an attempt to scare people into their arms. It is time for the fear mongering to end.

With all the attention being drawn to a couple of proposals by the Chicken Littles, we failed to promote a change in party leadership that was occurring. I would like to apologize for that and am proud to present the new president of the Free Belgium Party: Palodigon. While I have enjoyed being party president, I also know it is time for others to take the reins. I wish Palodigon all the best and hope he leads the party well into the future.

As the Free Belgium Party takes another step into the future with Belgium, I look forward to working with the Belgian people. I hope we can expand upon the work that we have begun. Just as we have worked with the MovingTicket industry to bring prices down to help our citizens be able to move just as we have laid the groundwork for the elimination of PTO threats to Belgium with the BLT process, just as we have contributed in helping shape the form of Belgium government on the forum, we look forward to continuing our work.

I want to see us work more closely with the “silent” Belgians. There are many who need to be approached to be brought in closer to Belgian society and have their voices heard. Then there are those voices are heard, but they are denied the say they should be given in favor of those who would follow the Chicken Littles.

As for the Chicken Littles, while I would hope you could set aside your distrust and alliance/party dogma, I have come to realize that the ones of you who usually do speak, are little more then puppets.

All we hear is the same tired lines. To those people who are part of the party of puppets, I want you to consider why you joined that party. Was it fear? Was it that someone gave you some food or other token? Is the fear and distrust that your party speakers generate what you want to see continue in Belgium? If it is not, I would urge you to either consider joining another party, there are four others currently.

If you are more daring, I would suggest you seek to voice your own views on your party’s leadership and direction. Become more active. Turn the Chicken Littles from this

to this

Join with those of us who are working to make Belgium’s tomorrow a better place. Set aside the hate. Stop the distrust.