Armenia Ground Rank Program Weeks 86-93

Day 6,046, 04:37 Published in Armenia Armenia by AG.trimafadzi

Great man are not born great, they grow great. - Mario Puzo


Within the time after the last report (8 weeks ago), Armenia has 2 more legend XXs.

Congratulations to Gagak Rimang and Tusheng!

Week 86

Week 87

Week 88

Week 89

Week 90

Week 91

Week 92

Week 93

Ground Rank Development Program

General requirements:
- Armenia citizen
- Member of Armenian MU
- Minimum rank: Titan
- Minimum strength: 140k

Weekly requirements:
- Minimum ground kills: 500
- Minimum ground damage: 0.5 B

- Weekly rewards are based on ground kills and current rank
- Rank up rewards: 500 WQ7 for each rank up until Legend XX

Day 6046
Government of Armenia