Anthony Encourages eArmenians to Join the ALP and to Run for Congress

Day 3,133, 20:39 Published in Armenia Iran by Anthony Buchanan

The ALP's leader, Anthony have said this afternoon that he encourages eArmenians to join the ALP so that the ALP can help change people's lives one step a time and that it will still be a trusted political party in eArmenia. This comes after the ALP's support rate have declined in the wake of last month's fake party scandal which heavily damaged the ALP's reputation and it cause him to heavily relaunch ALP so that it can regained much support from every eArmenian and from every minority living in eArmenia. He also created new bigger plans for the ALP(below) so that in a last-ditched effort for the ALP to reach out heavily to voters in eArmenia. He also encourage new supporters of the ALP to run for congress, party leader or President of eArmenia.

--Newly Revised Plans for the ALP--

-To continue use the Examiner as a independent forum for eArmenians so that they can express their views to us.

-To have the ALP work closely with Chievo.Klevin and to have mutual respect for each other. That way this would end the ongoing fake party scandal.

-To have the ALP use heavy political advertising in a stronger effort to reach out to voters and to encourage them to join the new ALP.

-To have the ALP address and tackle more serious issues that are facing eArmenia so that the ALP can solve problems 1 step at a time.

-To intergrate the AHC into the new ALP so that it can receive a huge boost of support among the Azerbaijanis and from other minorities living in eArmenia.

-To have the ALP create a youth division(named the Armenian Youth League) that will replace the old AHC so that the new ALP can reach out to eArmenian teenagers and to encourage them to join the new AYL.

-To maintain its anti-war/hate and pro-peace stances so that it will enable the ALP to have a strong reputation on making eArmenia stronger, safer and secured for future generations.

-To tell voters that the new ALP is a mainstream, social democratic party that is working to help preserve eArmenia and to prevent the nation from another attack.

Anthony insists that the new plan will help heavily relaunch the ALP and that this would end the ongoing fake party scandal. He also admitted that if people aren't responding to the ALP's newly revised plans, then he would think and explore alternative options for the ALP(winding down operations, transfer its operations, etc.)

He also has a message to tell with every eArmenia(below)

"Remember what Franklin D. Roosevelt have said, Democracy can't succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely and that the real safeguard of democracy is education. This means that all eArmenians are encouraged to join the ALP so that they can help our homeland and that we can help them too as always. We do understand to all eArmenians that our democracy as something that do gives the weak the same chance as the strong"

eArmenians, do you think his newly revised plans can help relaunch the new ALP? Answer Yes or No and please include your opinion as well. Thank You and Your Opinion Matters To Us and it Matters to eArmenia.