Announcement Article: It's Time for a Change

Day 2,350, 18:23 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

I've been thinking about this decision for quite a while, and it's not one I make lightly. I love you all, and I value your opinions dearly, but sometimes you just have to do things that are for yourself and no one else.

It's self-empowering to really go for things you want and to really reach out for your dreams. It doesn't matter who treads on them, doesn't matter who says it's a worthless waste of time.

You just have to say "alright, bitch, let's do this."

I'm a passionate person, and I generally take my passions seriously. To be involved with something and to not dedicate yourself wholly to it is to rob that thing of at least partial meaning.

Carpe diem, as they say.

And I love you guys. I truly do. This community is what keeps bringing me back, time and again.

While many of you have given support over my decisions, again, sometimes, you just gotta do things for yourself.

And so it is in that spirit of thinking which I make this announcement. It's not an easy one to make, as I have a sincere amount of emotion riding on this. I've been taking my time with thinking this one out, but I've finally decided.

It's time to run...

...away from my love of Sherlock and embrace Breaking Bad.

Sup bitches.

It's with a heavy heart that I retire Moriarty as my theme. I truly love him, and the times spent under his banner will be well remembered. But with true spring comes true change.

So let's cook.

Don't worry. Susan's not going anywhere.