Analysis: Invading Russia or France Could Leave United States Outnumbered

Day 673, 09:14 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
23 September 2009, Day 673 of the New World. With the wars against Russia and France turning in favor of the United States and predictions of complete removal of those invaders by Friday, many citizens are beginning to ask what the next phase of the war will be. The implicit assumption is that we will remove the Hungarian occupation from North America, leaving the USA and Canada without conquerors in their core territories, before the next phase begins.

After Alaska is back in American hands, the USA will share a border with Russia at Far Eastern Russia (a high diamond and high wood region). An offensive against Russia’s core territories will be possible. Many have recommended revenge against Russia and other PEACE GC imperialist nations for personal or political reasons. This article is intended as an examination of the ramifications of such actions without political slant.

Even more immediate than an attack on Russia (which would have to wait for Alaska to be liberated) is the possibility of an attack on France’s core territories. Today, if the president decided to, we could invade Aquitaine (a high wood region), Brittany, and/or Pays de la Loire (a high grain region).

The United States would maintain the military pacts it acquired when Russia and France separately invaded core United States territories. Both PEACE GC powers had MPP’s activated on their behalf when they invaded the United States and were subsequently repelled (or very soon to be repelled) even with them.

To examine the military feasibility of ‘revenge’ against Russia and France, I have considered the population size of each nation presently involved in both wars and then projected what those numbers would be after an invasion.

Click for data.

Right now, we outnumber the Russian aggressors 88,933 to 64,908 – a difference of 24,025 citizens. Should we invade, however, the activated MPP’s with Hungary, France, and Mexico will deny us the manpower advantage. We would become outnumbered 93,071 citizens to 88,933 – a difference of 4,138 in their favor.

When France invaded the United States, they only had two military alliances activated – Indonesia and Iran. Their combined citizen count of 29,450 was no match for our 79,091, and it is commonly accepted that initial French victories in their most recent invasion were allowed by the United States to maintain initiative against Russia. When the United States went on the offensive with its allies against French-controlled states, they had a combined 49,641 citizens more than France and her allies. To attack France, which is possible right now, would activate a slew of MPP’s and would give their force a larger combined population. Among the countries with MPP’s waiting to assist France are Hungary, Indonesia, and Russia. Their combined total would be 102,666, which is 23,575 greater than the United States coalition’s. Nations the United States would have to contend with in direct military action would include the United Kingdom and Germany.

Population counts are not the best measures of military strength, but they are certainly useful. There huge numbers of citizens involved in this war is staggering and continuing to escalate. The ramifications of unwise military action are likewise huge, and a new offensive should not be taken lightly.

If an offensive is decided on and goes wrongly, the newly-activated MPP’s will remain active. Russia and/or France could invade American soil again, and this time the new MPP’s they activate for doing so will be either non-existent or insignificant. The United States would not be acting alone, and neither would Russia or France. Tactics derived from multinational efforts, such as a combined Spanish-American invasion of France, a Norwegian-American invasion of Russia, or Colombian, Russian, French, or Portuguese blocking maneuvers, are not considers here.

A stalemate may be fast approaching with global consolidation of most nations of the world by one of two alliances. That is not to say that there will be no next phase of the war and that the United States cannot claim land from its enemies, but future actions will take caution and planning. Charging across the Bering Strait unprepared will surely lead us to ruin. With the right preparations, victory is within our grasp.