An Avalanche from the West

Day 1,535, 01:29 Published in Canada Canada by SaraDroz
The Greatest eCanadian Campaign?

Sorry for less frequency in my war analysis; have been away recently. This is quite a long article about what is essentialy an avalanche, how one started and the pschological panic one can cause.

Some Background

Seemingly long ago we of Blue Moose Clan, or Canadian Progressive Front, called for eCanada to attack ePoland in eUSA, Day 1,462 to be precise when our Party President, Funky Hum24n, called for eCanada to NE ePoland. I had, as it happens, already pmed Addy Lawrence suggesting this but he had replied about the Poles having a particular grievance against eUSA and we would be left alone, also we were involved in the eUK war. For some time a few of us had been cursing the endless eUK war and regarded eSerbia and ePoland occupying our Bro's to the south as potentialy far more threatening. Finaly Addy and Congress cottoned on to the potential threat from the south and temporary NAP was agreed with eUK, subsequently Wilhelm Gunters Congress motion to NE ePoland was accepted. For this eIreland suffered short term although we promised to help them in their defence against eUK.

Phase 1: Gerroff Mah Bro!

Then started the War of the Mouse that roared began: The attacks on the ePolish regions of eUSA all went well, seemingly our foes had no will to fight us and could not regain the inniative. Having 2 allied inniatives certainly evened things up compared to the previous advantage ePoland and eSerbia had against eUSA alone, however the fact is that ePoland was simply over extended. Unlike in real life in erep you cannot hire local levies to maintain a conquest; an eCanadian remains an eCanadian even if all eCanada is occupied so the greater number of regions a country holds the more difficult it becomes to maintain their 'empire'; random RWs become more threatening and draw off resources and troops from further conquests; a committed attack by a country (us in this case), with alliance support, proved too much for the over-stretched ePoland and they fell like flies. In a way we 'got lucky' or perhaps 'judged correctly' their overstretch time. No matter which occured by a strange chance of 'fate' eCanada certainly delivered the fatal blow to North American invasion plans of ePoland and eSerbia. When ePoland recognised it's problem it tried first to offer the peace agreement way out of it's problems. There began Phase 2...

Phase 2: Not Your Croissant!

Of course in practice there is NO decisive line that can be drawn between stages of a campaign; Phase 2, for me was heralded, while N.America was still being cleared, by a successful attack on eSerbian occupied Aquitaine. I wrote an article on the 'Aquitaine Strategy' at the time as I recall in which I said (having found it); The future security of eUSA and eCanada requires the 'liberation' of eFrance. In other words if ePoland and eSerbia still held the Western Atlantic coast ALL our efforts to liberate eUSA may need endlessly repeating. With the ePolish peace proposal (which included liberation of all North American regions) still being considered in eUSA and eCanada. I personaly was very much of the opinion that the war should be taken to our enemies, who evidently were on the back foot. I suggested a peace along the lines:

ePoland and eSerbia will leave ALL North American regions and the eFrench regions of Brittany, Pays de la Loire, Poitou Charentes, Loire Valley and Limousin. They shall (pay) war indemnities to eUSA of 5000 gold and to eFrance of 5000 gold. They shall sign NAPs with eFrance, eCanada and eUSA to last 40 days and pay eCanada 5000 gold to be forfeited should they break their NAPs.

In other words that the previous occupiers of half of eUSA vacate eFrance and pay for so light an escape! The relevant matter for continued confidence was the eFrance/ePoland 'peace treaty', though 'armistace' is probably a better word. This sai😛

3. Poland will hold 11 regions: - Poitou Charentes, Limousin, Auvergne, Rhone Alps, Brittany, Pays de Loire, Loire Valley, Burgundy, Franche-comte, Champagne Ardenne, Lorraine, and Alsace.
- these regions will not be given up at any moment to any other country.
However in Section 5 it state😛

5. If Poland loose control over one of regions from point 3:
- France will NE Poland as soon as it is possible,
- after seven days when all regions from point 3 are in control of Poland
peace treaty (as eRepublik law) will be signed and NE will be closed,
- all regions from points 1 and 2 (if are in control of Poland) will be given back to France
(one resistance war per day).

In other words we had ONLY to land in eFrance to re-activate the eFranco/ePolish war and perhaps liberate the coastal regions of eFrance on which our future secutiry relied. Personaly therefore I was in favour of a pre-emptive attack on enemy held eFrance before the eUSA reconquest was complete; it brings more allies into the fray. Then came Addy Lawrences historic hour: He invaded Pays de la Loire at a bad time of day (ePolish daytime) and 'went for the gamble'. It was a risk that many would have backed from, probably should have been launched at a different time, but thanks to our allies we pulled it off; the mouse was chasing the cat and had new mice (eFrance) brought back into the chase!

Addy's gamble was also political: By pre-empting a full discussion of the ePolish peace terms in attacking and taking Pays de la Loire eCanada signalled a firm intent to continue the campaign; this left eUSA very little choice without losing face and they duly followed our lead. With eFrance, eCanada and eUSA active against them in the French theatre ePoland had little choice but to retire. It is strange how eSerbia did not help ePoland in the defence of Western Europe and this point and what panic appears to have been caused in the ePolish HQ. Why the Serbs didn't attack eUSA in eFrance and why ePoland didn't immeadiatly RW Pays de la Loire after we had taken it I can only ascribe to 'shock and awe'; "the mouse is chasing me! Run!" To see ePoland running and RWing eFrench regions ahead of eCanada made me laugh heartily.

The Battle of Western Europe

As we know eUSA chased ePoland all the way to the eGerman border; a contintent and a half from where their retreat had begun. Not only that but the confusion of withdrawing rabble was also forced to liberate all Germany and face the threat of eRomania and eUkraine from the east and north. The defeat that had begun when eRussia invaded ePolish held Alaska and eCanada's entry into the war in eUSA resulted in ePoland being briefly wiped from the map. There are probably books that have been written about 'defeat psychology' (I think of France in 1940 etc) and the conduct of the ePolish retreat in this campaign would be a fine subject for such a study. I would love to hear an account from their side of what they were thinking.

Having effectively 'knocked out' ePoland from Western Europe the main problems then became the southern and northern parts of western Europe and these effectively became seperate 'mini-theatres'. In the southern theatre eUSA blocked eCanadian participation when they successfuly took Aquitaine (see my last article). This, in my opinion, was a mistake but has alowed us to concentrate solely on eUK, who we have effectively subjugated (see below) with eIrish and eFrench help. However the psychology that had effected ePoland seems to have infected the eSerbian High Command; no sooner had Aquitaine been liberated from eSerbian forces than they started RWing Corsica! The eSerbian withdrawal from the southern eFrench coast followed the same lines 'a la Polonaise'; that is RWing regions before eUSA could catch up with and this has resulted in eItaly once again holding most of it's regions and a greater participation in the war from eFrance in support of eItaly. The eSlovenian 'empire' is much dimished and on the back foot. It should be of prime concern, in my opinion to liberate ALL eItaly and I advise full suuport in this area, with ambassador and MoFa contact. It is a mistake in my opinion for eItaly to have taken back the regions (Tuscany) that eFrance liberated until eSlovenia was fully out, effectively blocking eFrance except for Deutschshwe. Although eCroatia is on the other side of eSlovenia eItaly has thus become another 'mini theatre' in it's own right and may face setbacks. It would have better to keep an eFrench 'front' (and innitiave) in the developing movements here.

As the eSerbian withdrawal from eFrance was done via RWs eUSA has had to turn south where with the support of eBrazil they have held eSpain 'in check' or at least more concerned with their own affairs and unable to contribute to the larger strategic situation - another 'mini theatre'. In this respect it is a shame the eUSA are currently blocked from attacking eSpain by eBrazil.

Observations of the Campaign

In my 'elife' I have never seen such a comprehensive defeat as that suffered by ePoland and eSerbia in this campaign. For sure the eRomanian retreat long ago was a great 'retrenchment' but it did not effect it's allies in catastrophic downfalls (as eUK), nor was eRomania wiped from the map (as ePoland). To my mind therefore this is the single greatest campaign of my time in this game. eCanada and Addy Lawrence deserve to be proud for being a major part of causing this rout (there is is no better word).

Having said that I the management of this campaign has been flawed (on our side) in many ways: As an example let me take the recent eItalian 'mini theatre': What was the need to regain Tuscany asap? With 2 inniatives against eSlovenia eFrance and eItaly would have more chance against eSlovenia than eItaly alone. The same form of mistake was made by eUSA when, after eCanada had NE'ed eSerbia they effectively blocked us from the eSerbian regions in southern eFrance; the result is 'mini theatres' where innitiatives are 1:1 (eBrazil in eSpain at present). This is a waste of Terra/Edens advantage; we are more countries and should use the potential inniative benefits it gives us to balance their numerical advantage. It would be to the advantage of ALL our allies to have an eCanadian presence in Germany or an eUSA presence in eItaly: it increases innitiave. If eItaly loses a battle then an ally can relieve the pressure etc... Two against One is ALWAYS better odds and by the same logic because we outnumber ONE countries (in nation terms) we must use the innitiave advantage it gives us.

Looming Threats

ePoland is a giant and although we managed to intill a panic psychology in their High Command and others even wiped them from map briefly it could only be brief for a country of 14000+ citizens; they were bound to come back. At present they advance west and north (in aid of eSweden) who recently moaned about their lack of support. It would be beneficial for eCanada to get into eGermany via 'swaps' asap.

In eMexico we have a large rebellion against eCroatia - eCanada needs an eCroatian MPP asap to help restore order here! I know this 'threat' appears small at present but we have seen how from the first stone falling an Empire can crumble.

A Suggestion on eUK

It is NOT entirely unknown for countires in erep to 'merge'; some in eUK and eBelgium will remember the old union between those countries. Would it not be possible for Party Presidents and the MoFa Department to reach out to their counterparts in eUK and convince them an eCanadian/eUK Union (as has indeed been suggested to me in rl) would be good for both? We both benefit from resources and have a joint Congress etc? A good case could perhaps be made for this.


I am only home briefly so announce that I shall NOT run for President, not that anyone expected me to but the world and it's Wife seems to be running. IF however I were running for President I would NOT include people in my Cabinet who are NOT eCanadians! It is said that current MoFa is eIrish for some economic benefit that accrues to eCanada... I have yet to see an explanation of this benefit. Surely our Ministers benefit eCanada (as do all our citizens) by being eCanadian, working at home and contributing to our economy?