About those damn hospitals again... [ENG]

Day 700, 07:45 Published in USA Hungary by Oliverray
Hello, again!

I wrote an article about why you don't put more hospitals yesterday. Everybody tryed to taught me/almost everybody, but good to see that somebody is thinking. They said that I'm trolling in the american media. I would write an article with a more serious intonation now, I hope so, that more people understand my message.

What a couple of players said is true otherwise. On my own, I wouldn't helped you. But you aren't our enemys, only opponennts! I go into shock excusing your public opinion and the full ignorance. And yes, I wouldn't publish an article if I would saw some slim chance onto in order you take our advice. I wanted only to point the truth.

And now let the moral, which already many people wrote before me, come, and I don't hope that you understand it now:
Your country's populations is Cca. 306 million. Let us assume that the average of the internet users is true for all states. There is a hospital on two places. California, 36,7 million and Florida, 18,3 million. I count it in any way, this is 55 million. 18% of the population of US. So many people register there. The residual 82% register, where isn't Q5 hospital, indeed nothing!

Well, you had an aswer for everything, you are cleverer, than me, so you can answer with questions...
A tipical one:
And why they don't move to a place where is Q5 hospital?

It's simple. Very much!
Let me tell a situation. The player reaches level 5, he can fight first. But 82% of them cannot go in a hospital! Okay, move then. They bought one Q1 moving ticket. This takes off 2 wellnes. So, conclusion: Will survive only if sy offer him some gifts.

In this direction I had a new situation:
Today 500 players registered. From this, maybe 400 registers in a place without a hospital and 100 into Florida/California. You increase in a beautiful beat, the population does not increase so much, the four fifths of the babys dies. It's so simple.

It's enough to put hospitals only on the most populous places, and the fortresses remain.
The 2 fortresses method really good defence, but the increase starts stagnating, after short time stops.
Solution: To make more fortresses with the increase of population and the almost 8000 players who not living in a region with hospital. Dared according to you good thing. (according to other ones, only this like this already obsession...)

Hopitals? Where?
That was already written...

Texas: 24,3 million; 8% of your population.
New York: 19,5 million; 6.4% of your population .
Illinois: 13 million; 4.25% of your population .
Pennsylvania: 12,5 million; 4.1% of your population.

Like this, you just need !4! hospital to increase the survival proportion with 22.75%, that's almost 23%!
18%+23% = 41%! Wow! Almost 50%!
Whole beautiful, and you could improve this yet. Yes, it's wrong, that you have too many regions, but you would be able to know your way around...

But noooo! You don't learn from good advice...
If it's wrong, this article wouldn't have came into existence.
You aren't enemies, but opponents. As the saying goes, respect your opponent. But I can't respect you already... how can somebody be so much headstrong and stubborn one?!
I hope so you don't learn from it,
but I desire you much fortune,