About a New Possible Successor Alliance of PEACE [ENG]

Day 724, 07:56 Published in Serbia Hungary by Oliverray
I wrote an article one week ago in hungarian. I think, there is the moment, when I have to translate it.

The original article in Hungarian

Our Brothers!

Everybody know, that PEACE is dead. Or it will be dead till at least one month. The reforms are impossible, but that's perfect for it's goal, we don't need, to discontinue it.
Buuuuut, we have a choice, to found a new system. The nub of the alliance would be to made an opposite of EDEN, NOT and Defensive Alliance. In that was, they can't call us bad liars.
I hope, we could unite some countries (not so much, nobody can't coordinate 12+ country) like EDEN, or so much better.

The criteria could be a developing population and... about more than 3000 country population.
Oh, somebody could say, 'Add choice for other, active, small countries!', but in my opinion, unfortunately, small countries are burden for bigger ones. Every nation was small once, but succeed a 'baby boom' or more, with these became strong, and proud countries.
Why Portugal, Bulgaria, Slovenia, etc. couldn't made more than 3000 player? Why? Why? Why?
Why Hungary, Serbia, Indonesia, Iran, UK, Argentina, etc. could did it??

I think, I explained it well. I think, that bigger population number some time means nothing, but with the babys, who reach medium military rank, or above, they will had so much bigger damage.

On the other hand, we don't need 12+ countries in the alliance, because it will cause chaos. The most important reason to unite those countires, who in this matter have bigger damage than EDEN. I give a 'name', because when I will need to mention it, I can't say: 'Our alliance', or something like that.
I hope, you will like it: FACE - Federal Army Council in Erepublik. This is only an example. And now, I start the list...

1, Serbia

Our relation and friendship with Serbia is very strong and unbreakable. They would be in a party something like that. They recieved help from Hungary, and they helped us in battles. If they can keep 50% of new players from the last baby boom, they would be a new power. They have future. Now, they are the second country in population, after US.
We can fortify the trading between us, and help them with iron import until they get a high iron. So much other plan...

A potentional member, I can say...


Everybody know, they left PEACE.
I can mention slamx's words:
'Indonesia the old "big brother", who keep our first steps, who was the participant of liberating Hungarian regions which was conquered by Romania. Their acts are unforgetable. Later, the we could destroy the Romanian Empire only with our friendship and unite. The PEACE was formed by the Hungarian-Indonesian friendship, the strategic goals was same that hungarian and indonesian ones."

We would invite them in the FACE, I think, we never forget them. If we need to made peace between Serbia, Russia and Indonesia, we will did it!
They are important us like we're them. Really, that they're dying and destroying, but they have a chance to revive! They had the 4th biggest population RL, after USA.

3, Russia

I think, we show our intention with giving back Urals and Northern Caucasus, and stepped across the half of the world for Heilongjiang.
Cultivate our friendship in the future!

4, Turkey

Who not know at least one famous turkish tank? - poker, teknik, BattalGazi, Diabolus1907, kartal_4vr, etc.
They were fought for our county under Romanian Occupation and nowadays too. They have min. 50 tanks, but their population is very old. They need a dinamic, slow raising.

Turkey in FACE? YES!

5, Iran

The old member of PEACE, they were with Indonesia in FIST. They did some crazy movement, but they are developing. If they raising in this rate, thay will be above Indonesia. In strength, they are weakest, but we need to wait them became stronger.

We haven't a friendship like with Indonesians, but we can do it. They are third in number of FM-s in PEACE after Indonesia and us.

6, United Kingdom

They were former ATLANTIS members, but they bestray them. They have 7000+ population, but they are so week, we need to rouse them with some wars. Without their help, we can't reach the beautiful named Heilongjiang.

I think, they will like this idea too. They didn't leave the ATLANTIS for nothing.

7, Brazil

The first South American country which entered in PEACE. They have a lot of strong solider.
We could rouse them like the UK.

8, Argentina

Former ATLANTIS member, like UK. They are PEACE members since the french toast. They reached a nice population number in this month. We can rouse them with some high regions... etc? They could be a very strong nation with our help.
With OUR help.

Some more countries...?

One or two country, who reach 3000+ player.
or Lithuania?
One or two of them, or all of them.

Thank you, who read this article,
