A Warm UK Welcome

Day 339, 12:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

I would like to welcome a good friend of mine to the UK. He's someone I've known over the last several months, and has been very trustworthy and hard working during his tenure here in Erepublik.

His name is Dnouser, and he just moved here from the States two days ago. He's already gone through the formality of signing up at the forums and joined the best political party in the UK (That would be the UKRP, IMHO).

A little background on Dnouser. He's a veteran of Erepublik, like me, and has gone through several levels of Government back during our time in the States. He hails from the eRepublikans for Change political party, and has a good grasp on several things including military organization, googledoc, MSN, and so on.

A very useful, intelligent and worthwhile Gentleman to have with us here in the UK, and he'll be quite contributive to say the least.

So, I just thought I would introduce him properly 🙂

Welcome mate, as they would say.
