A Second Look - Our Nation's Security

Day 376, 17:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

Greetings fellow citizens of the United Kingdom. I come from my home, in Liverpool, where Daphne and I are planning our wedding (she says hi, by the way), to talk to you about the security of our nation.

First and foremost, anyone who tells you were vulnerable is trying to sway you. The United Kingdom, due to the protection of our allies and our organised Army has been safe for months. The only three countries that could attack us that are not in Atlantis (which would be a breach of contract anyhow) are Ireland, the Netherlands, and France.

France won't bother to attack us, plain and simple. If they do, they'd most certainly lose at least three regions, considering our economic supremacy, military size, and ability to arm ourselves. Throw in the MPP's we have with Romania and the US, two of the largest countries in the World, and we'd hand the French their lunch.

Furthermore, I don't think they'd have a reason to attack us anyhow. The Netherlands, another PEACE country, has no reason to attack us either (not to mention they're one of the smaller countries on a global scale) and the Belgian population in the UK makes us partially neutral to them anyhow. And lastly, the Irish are our oldest allies in Erepublik, and we share the same sense of sovereignty and self-governance that they do.

So for the security of the UK, there will not be many "new" things to publish this election. Our population has grown, and for anyone who didnt know to join the Reserves please contact Funky44. Our Minister of Defence is Deilos, if you have any questions.

Tomorrow, I'll cover the House of Commons, and it's procedures and processes, along with the things that I've done to ensure they are followed.


Prime Minister of the eUK, and hopeful PM-Elect for December