Day 1,056, 06:36 Published in Serbia Serbia by MilanLecic

From eSerbia with Love and Respect !

Dear Admins,

As you already know – your game is great! It is one of the best games that we, eSerbs, have ever played. That is the reason why our eNation makes more than 10 percent of your active gaming community. We are glad to see that you, the Admins, always have time to listen our ideas and appeals.

We are especially satisfied with your quick responses concerning some issues like:

1 – eKosmet
2 – multiaccounts
3 – our stolen gold and RSD, and destroyed companies and stocks of goods
4 – unlimited health packs and new MPP rule

We are glad to see that this game is more and more open for free playing and that number of active players is growing every day. We have helped you in developing this game several times – by advertising it in our RL national media. Today, we are ready to help you even more. We have decided to create two new Departments of our eGovernment: (M)inistarstvo za (A)ktivno (R)atovanje (Š)ikaniranjem and (Mi)nistarstvo za (Še)tanje po (Vi)jugama. These two Departments will work so closely that we will refer to it as one e-body. In all future actions it will be known as MARŠ-MIŠEVI.

The goal of this new Department(s) will be to help you in developing this great game. We will try to spread your great ideas to every member of eWorld community so that „ordinary e-citizens“ can benefit from the same privilegies that we, eSerbs, already have. We expect that, soon enough, you will start receiving „thank you admins“ tickets from all over the eWorld. We wish that ALL the players, TOGETHER, openly and massively support your great ideas.

Please note that our actions will be made according to the rules of this great game and that we will openly announce every success that we make. This new eSerbian Department(s) will also be included in our military efforts so we have decided to form a special military unit called – Fallen Angels – or FA. All the actions of this unit will be made as a part of our efforts to make this game more interesting to ALL players – the ones that pay for this game, and the ones that can not, or will not, do that but like to play eRepublik – the best online MASSIVE SOCIAL STRATEGY GAME ! We think that it is the right time to help everyone to understand how great this game is.

The ultimate goal of our actions will be to unite all the players of eRepublik in one great action that will show you, the Admins, how much support your ideas have in your gaming community. And that will show you our undivided love and respect.

Thank you, and let ALL enjoy the game as much as we do.

Department of MARŠ-MIŠEVI,
Fallen Angels