A Quick Congratulatory Note from Israel

Day 1,020, 23:24 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
5 September 2010, Day 1,020 of the New World.

Forgive me if this comes as premature, but rollover seems to have gotten later for me. I have not been very involved in eUS politics lately, especially because I moved away to eIsrael and now sit in the Knesset, but I wanted to drop by to deliver a quick message to Cromstar and Kazeal.

I am extending my congratulations to Cromstar for his victory in a clean Presidential campaign; please join me. In general, it's nice to see a campaign not based on smear. Crommy has exhibited tremendous steadfast commitment to the eUS, including being in Congress a huge number of times – quite an impressive commitment few others in the country could tolerate. The last time I worked with Cromstar was when he stepped up to take over the role of Deputy Speaker of the House during the 27th Congress. (Speakers and Deputy Speakers are generally elected for a two-month term, so his ascension was not particularly expected, yet we pulled through.)

Interestingly, his primary opponent worked "under me" for some time in Congress as well, as the Congressional Whip of the 25th Congress. Then I was a freshman Congressman the same term as the President before him. Ah, better times...

I have hopes for this administration and the country in general. The United States has to contend with a shrinking active population, political takeover attempts domestically and abroad, and a lingering number of domestic trolls. Good luck, Cromstar, and good luck America.