A Paladin in the Holy Land

Day 1,007, 23:03 Published in Israel USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
23 August 2010, Day 1,007 of the New World.

Greetings and shalom, citizens of Beersheba. I am Rheinlander von Phalz, seven-time Congressman and former Speaker of the House of the eUnited States and champion of honor. I have journeyed from a far corner of Christendom to the Holy Land.

The trip is long and the campaign is dangerous.

Included in my resume are a three-month stint as the Secretary of Media and service as a military officer. This month I will be running for a seat in the Knesset. As a former three-time Congressman from Arizona, I have experience representing desert terrain.

I stand for centralization, strength, promoting active contributors, the complete occupation of Turkey, and recovering the True Cross.