A Glorious Occasion - Lightening the Mood

Day 375, 18:48 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

We all know how the daily grind can be. For the last six months or so, we've done, more or less, nothing but prepare for war, fix the economy (which is obviously a work in progress but it is getting better), and fight for who's going to be in power in the next month. Considering this, and the return of one of my most beloved people in Erepublik (to me), I would like to announce the return of an event that was popular back in the early summer.

I would officially like to announce my eEngagement to Daphne Lilac, a long time friend and eWoman.

Now, I know what most of you are thinking. But I'd like to further explain this so you understand this is not something I've done lightly.

Daphne and I have known each other for roughly ten months, and have been close companions for much of it. We have served together in Erepublik for some time, and she is the passion to my understanding, and the understanding to my passion for Erepublik. She truly understands me, and we've followed each other closely in the time we've spent here. Even in times of disarray and confusion, she is my one eCompanion.

Most of you here in the eUK do not know Daphne, which is a product of coming from a different continent. She has been involved deeply in US structure and Government, served as Vice President and even ran a semi-successful Presidential campaign in the face of adversity. She is both an experienced business woman and Government figure. I'm sure that you'll come to love her strong sense of pride as well as her willingness to appreciate each person for the thoughtful contributions they provide to our society.

Society is a word in which many forget the meaning, and this, to me, only offers another aspect of it. Unlike many of the eMarriages of the past, where it was done in fun, this is done out of respect and admiration for my eSoulmate.

In the coming days, you'll see a few announcements. As I've told friends in confidence, I'm planning on going all out with this, hopefully to provide some lighthearted fun and something different. I've chosen best men, and we're planning this wedding with dignitaries from around the world, several already confirmed. You're invited as well, as we want you to enjoy it with us, and hopefully we can all move forward in creating a truly complete society!

So, I hope you'll take me seriously, and welcome Daphne into our midst. I am enjoying her return to me eLife, and hope you share in our celebration!

