A Gathering Storm

Day 819, 19:35 Published in USA Brazil by Rod Damon

Strategic Air Command and other departments of the government have been receiving requests for assistance from a number of allied or friendly nations. Our less populated friends are in danger of having the stability of the country destroyed by political takeovers from either enemy nations or groups of cheaters employing multis or bots.
We have been asked to help defend in two separate buildups of Phoenix voters infiltrating the voter ranks and have also been asked to help defeat the cheaters who use multi/bots in two other elections. The concern we have is that it is still none days until the election. We are not sure how widespread the problems could be by then.

We are looking for volunteers to assist us.
What is required?

1) You must be at least Level 6 to be able to vote

2) You must be willing to quit your employment on the three elections days (5th, 15th, 25th) to be able to travel where required. This generally means do not change jobs within 4 days of an election, or make sure your employer will fire/rehire you. Note: You may not be required to move for all elections.

3) You should be prepared to accept foreign citizenship and often be asked to maintain it for a period of time. Note: this does not affect your ability to return to the USA or work here. Us citizenship is only required to run for political office and to vote in US elections.

4) You can not be a political office holder.

5) If you are serving in a branch of the military, accommodations can be made with your commanders to avoid any conflict with orders.

If you are interested in putting your vote to use to help, please sign up here.

If you have any questions, please send us a private message and we will answer your concerns.
Thank you for your time and assistance.