29th Congressional Elections Results and Analysis

Day 891, 15:29 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
29 April 2010, Day 891 of the New World. After a three-month hiatus, the Congressional Results and Analysis portion of the Paladin’s Honor makes a return! This election created the twenty-ninth Congress of the eUnited States. Speaker of the House Fionia and Deputy Speaker of the House Mr. Hyphenated are now serving the second half of their term. Prior to Election Day, the new Federal Election Commission arranged for blockers to cover all regions with real candidates or blockers on all five tickets.

Fifty elections were held in original regions of the United States. Delaware is now a long-standing part of Canada. Nine additional regions elected representatives to the United States Congress: two in India, four in China, two in Thailand, and one in the Philippines. A blocking candidate, Angelini in Texas, was elected and resigned already, leaving a total of 58 regions represented in this Congress.

Despite heavy blocker coverage, political takeovers were attempted. The regions most heavily targeted were Minnesota and North Carolina. In response, many parties, including the largest two, switched their mobile voter priorities to these races, which is how Talio Extremist in Minnesota and Dennis McVicker in North Carolina achieved such high vote totals. Later in the day, votes were removed from many suspected PTO candidates by the administrators, presumably when the citizens who cast those votes were banned. Abroad, Belgium continues to be in a political standoff, and Serbians managed to win a majority of the Congress of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Ten parties won Congressional seats this month. This was the first month America’s Advancement Party, United States Workers Party, and Democratic Republicans formed the American Progressive Front. The new party won twenty-three seats this month. The Libertarian Party won eight seats, the United Independents Party (back in the top five) won seven, the Federalist Party won six, and the Specialized Elite Execution Squad won five. The Socialist Freedom Party, the most-represented small party, won three seats, and the Technocratic Party, Imperialist Party, American Defense Party, and Bastards of Liberty won one each. Two regions are represented by Congressmen without a party affiliation. All 59 regions were won by citizens with proven loyalty to the United States.

Click for full size. On this and all other maps in this article, data for Sichuan actually reflects Chongqing. Sichuan was not part of the United States at the time of this election.

With land-swaps changing the landscape of the United States in Asia, many incumbent Congressmen were forced to change their regions if they wanted to remain in office. These included Necros Xiaoban (IP), who went from Yuunan to Montana, and Gnaeus Progenitor (TPoA) who went from Hainan to Vermont. The only incumbent United States Congressman elected in the same Asian region was Reng (APF) in Eastern Thailand.

Click for full size

Congress is pretty green this month, and that is not to say that the Green Party had a great showing in the polls. There are nineteen Congressmen serving for the first time this month, and twelve more (including former president Harrison Richardson) are serving for the second time. The other end of the spectrum is considerably thinner. The longest-serving Congressman is now AidenAstrup (APF – MA) at fourteen terms. Behind him is Cromstar (APF – PA) with thirteen. There is a much larger gap to the third most senior representative: seeker1 (APF – Chongqing) with eight terms. Behind her are four Congressmen on their seventh term: eliwood_sain (Fed – OK), Evan Feinman (APF – VA), Myles Robinson (Lib – MD), and Rheinlander von Phalz (APF – MO).

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The five oldest Congressmen were all born before Day 400 of the New World. Some are recycled from the list of most senior representatives, but not all are. They are: NeilP99 (UIP – AL), born Day 304, AidenAstrup (APF – MA), born Day 329, Joe DaSmoe (APF – IL), born Day 349, SweetBags (APF – ID), born Day 358, and Cromstar (APF – PA), born Day 370. The five youngest freshmen, the youngest four of which are freshmen, are: Herr_Nicholas (UIP – Henan), born Day 878, MayorFawkes (APF – TN), born Day 834, TheMerican (SPF – Mindanao), born Day 830, Benedict James (Fed – WV), born Day 812, and Dennis McVicker (Lib – NC), born Day 793.

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This month marked the return of Serendipitous, seeker1, Evan Feinman, Rheinlander von Phalz, Aersidius, Syrup, Dr. Tango, and mjdiv to Congress. It is also the freshman term of long-time candidates Dan Wang and Blazix. Now that Congress trophies come with a treasure map, not five gold, we can not say that these elections generated 295 gold exactly.

Five Congressmen were elected with just two votes: Jon Konning (Fed – Andhra Pradesh), Myles Robinson (Lib – MD), Devon Donaldson (SEES – KY), Serendipitious (APF – CO), and Reng (APF – Eastern Thailand). The candidates supported by the bulk of the country’s anti-political takeover efforts, Talio Extemist (Fed – MN) and Dennis McVicker (Lib – NC), pulled in 62 and 60 votes respectively.

There will likely be a new project involving the Congressional maps released soon. It might be a good time to brush up on your Congress, because prizes may be involved.