22nd Congressional Election Results and Analysis

Day 676, 11:42 Published in USA USA by Rheinlander von Phalz
26 September 2009, Day 676 of the New World.

While the official polls were displaying erroneous results and declaring multiple winners or awarding the wrong candidate in a tie-breaker, private citizens and groups compiled the results of the election for the 22nd United States Congress. As of press time, the polls are still displaying some incorrect results, which also circulate in some compiled lists including an official White House press release.

An accurate accounting of the election was produced by “Life Press” here. The White House listed the incorrect Congressmen for Alabama and Iowa.

The eUnited States, like any nation with 40 or more regions, gets one Congressman per region with no wildcards. Each state was called for one ticket, and the geographic distribution of those appears below.

Click for full size.

AAP – USWP Rivalry

The biggest winners of the day by far were America’s Advancement Party and the United States Workers Party. Party membership in both presently exceeds 950 citizens. Both parties fielded a candidate in virtually every state, and in several states it was a one-on-one race between the two parties. These states included Virginia, which went to Evan Feinman of the AAP, and Iowa, which went to Danny Kowens of the USWP.

Each party had a wide geographic distribution of their victories, but some fortress states might be emerging. Montana has voted USWP almost consistently since May and was called early for Muljo Gobet this election. Seeker1 secured Maine early, a state he’s represented since June (and done so mostly as an AAP member).

Libertarian Rockies and New England

The Libertarian Party pulled off their victories in pairs. AWebb85 of Utah and Sydiot of Nevada came through in their respective elections. On the other side of the country, Devoid pulled off a big win in New Hampshire bordering Canni’s win in Massachusetts.

Conservative Extinction

Despite a membership of over 400, the Conservative Party ticket did not secure a seat in the 22nd Congress. The party does still have a voice in Congress with Cromstar, who won Pennsylvania on the Libertarian ticket.

J F Branson ran in Florida, but eventually stopped campaigning to encourage CvP members to cast their votes in other states. Florida was firmly secured by the USWP President Zcia; most of the other big five parties ran blockers in Florida. Mattoze5 pulled in 33 votes in California, but was falling steadily behind Astra Kat G, a Green running under the UIP ticket. During the final hour, votes were being directed to Arizona, where Emperor Rick lost with nine votes. Another close CvP candidate was Tony A Soprano, who was three votes from victory in Nevada.

Uncontested District

Only one candidate registered in the District of Columbia before it fell to French forces. Unlike the previous election which saw Congressmen representing occupied territories, D.C was reclaimed by the United States before election day. No PEACE GC soldiers prevented Americans from voting in D.C. Ligtreb, a member of the United States Workers Party, would have won with no votes, but he took home three.

Big Showing for Sixth-Parties

The Federalist Party fielded five candidates and four of them took the seat. Federalist victories came on the USWP, UIP, and AAP tickets. The party boasts less than 200 members at present, making it the sixth-largest party in the eUS.

The Socialist Freedom Party won the sole seat they were vying for, Jude Connors in New Mexico under AAP. The SFP has 66 members.

The Green Party tried to establish a West Coast foothold by running in Nevada and California. The seventy-nine-member-strong party won in California under the United Independents Party ticket but lost their AAP-ticket bid in a close Nevada race.

The “Mexican Multipartisan Miracle”

California went to a Green running under UIP, New Mexico went to the SFP under the AAP ticket, and Texas went to the Federalists under the USWP ticket. Arizona was won by the AAP with a strong endorsement from the Democratic Party. Party hard-lining might not work in the border states, and any congressional unity along the southern border will cross multiple party lines.

The Black States

Multiple original regions of the United States will not have anyone sitting in Congress for them. New Jersey and Maryland had no declared candidates, dealing with a Russian and French occupation respectively.

Alaska is represented by WalakyMas (A KARD), Raszta (Magyar Hazafiak Partja), Pyrrhosz (Szolidaritas Part), and MrSomeBody (MKKP Zombipart). Three Hungarian wildcards came from Alaska, considerably more than other Hungarian regions. Washington state will be represented by Lalo85 (Magyar Hazafiak Partja).