[UP] About Elections

Day 1,905, 06:52 Published in South Africa Chile by Léon Reno

Dear Citizens of South Africa,

Union of Patriots participated in the CP elections with its own candiate as you know. We could not get any other party's official support so we tried to elect our candiate by ourselves. We did well, we were ahead until night. However, we could not keep that situation and able to win elections.

Few things happened while election process which made us sad. Some of our citizens who called as "honorary" or something like that, supported pTOers in order to "beat" us. I personally warned our security team about pTOers, said "they may be involved in elections and influence it." Unfortunately, some people were/are happy to see they are here and doing things like that. Agreeing about any issue with those pTOers is exactly same meaning with supporting them. As UP, we will ask congress to punish those people as well.

While talking about congress, as you know, leader of pTOer team has been approved by one of our current congressman so we have doubt If congress able to organize an aTO and stand against pTOers. No doubt to say, pTOers have some support from our respected community members and If we want to fight against them, the first thing should be done is kicking out those "respected" members.

I -President of UP- was blamed as pTOer by other presidency candiate. Fair elections with friendship and peace was our expectation. However, baseless accusations, slander and defamation was some people's choice to win elections. We hope this won't happen again.

Congratulations Clauido. You have ability to keep community together and safe, we hope you are going to support us against those pTOers as President.

Thank you UP members for supporting me and all citizens who voted for me also those who helped with their comments and opinions. Finally thank you LiquidIce, I hope we can work together again.

Union of Patriots
Léon Reno