[UKRP]Upward, Onward, and Outward

Day 1,324, 08:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to improve. We shall push on, tirelessly, relentlessly, to ensure that the citizens of the United Kingdom are cared for, and have the ability to do as they choose. Today, Tomorrow, Together, the UKRP.

Our Wiki Page

In the UKRP, we are exactly as advertised. We are a Centre-Right party, who believes in personal freedom and enjoyment, for the betterment of all. Our core belief is that this is your game, and you should be able to enjoy it as you see fit. As an individual, you are allowed to do as you wish, and we'll help you in any way, shape, or form. Without personal success, we cannot experience group success, considering the success of the group, in this game at least, hinges on the success of the player.

We just passed the mark of Presidential Elections, where the incumbent, jamesw won the election quite handily, for which we congratulate him. He has had a good month, albeit under some rather good circumstances in terms of geopolitics, and our goal was to run a clean campaign. As we have done in other months, we'll continue to push forward in helping out all the Ministries in any way we can, push our current majority in Congressional Seats even further, and improve the United Kingdom one person at a time. Many can talk about baby booms, but this is about longevity and retention. If we cannot keep the players we have, there's very little use in recruiting more.

Any party can preach equality. In the UKRP, we live it. Everyone is on equal footing, and when the Party makes a decision, we do so as a group, and no Council can override such decision.

Click to join the best party in the UK!

Introduce Yourself - UKRP Style

Michael Crookes

Time in Erepublik: 2 Years, although in reality it has actually been a year as I was forced to leave the game for a while.

What is your favourite thing about the UKRP?

MC: The community is awesome. We are a really tight knit group but there is nothing I enjoy more than seeing new players joining in and getting involved but on the forums and in game.

Which member of another Party in the UK would you most like to see join the United Kingdom Reform Party, and why?

MC: Jinnb, because he is a workhorse within the UK and has real potential, but more than that I think we would enjoy our community and he is one of the best ppl on the game atm

What is your favourite thing about the UK?

MC: The UKRP, of course.

Boxers, Briefs, or "Other"?

MC: Boxers. They're more comfortable.

Do you have any hobbies, or things people might be interested in knowing?

MC: I play guitar, erepublik, professional hockey and xbox. Only three of those are true. I'll let you decide which ones. I was also born at the same hospital as Thomas765.

Most importantly, If you could make one player in the eUK disappear, who would it be, and why?

MC: Thomas765 so that I can finally deal more influence than him. HUAHUEHUAHUEHUAHUEHUAHUE

So that's Michael Crookes, a three time Party President of the UKRP, who also holds a position in the UK Special Forces, and has been a steady hand in the UK for quite some time. Tune in next time for an interview with Thatcher, a lifelong UKRP Member and former Minister of Finance (who's also one of the UK's strongest Tanks).

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy