[UKRP]There's More To Do

Day 1,557, 05:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds

So, as of this morning we see that we get to spend another month without Congress, which is disheartening after we came much closer last month. We had hoped that, somehow, even with a fairly small chance at Congress given our current plans, we would still have that chance. Obviously we do not, which means a few things to each of you.

For starters, it essentially makes every single battle in the United Kingdom's original regions worthless for the next two days, so please help our allies. We have several allies who are also facing the same problem we are, and we can make a difference to them. Your Military Unit's orders should not be set to our regional battles, but rather to those of Spain, Macedonia, Serbia, or Indonesia (depending on battle priority).

Next, we'll have to work even harder over the next month to try and improve our performance, which we can do starting right now. We must continue to try and improve our damage coordination, our communication with new players, and the willingness to allow them the freedom to be themselves in our society. We cannot stop, even for a few days, just because we were unsuccessful for another month.

Now, I'm sure many of you are as disappointed as I am, and I'm sure we'll begin to see the "WHERE WAS OUR ALLIANCE" and all that. They were indeed here fighting for us as much as they could. With having as many nations as we have under threat at the moment, and our geopolitical position (being surrounded by more than 3 derps at once), ONE is simply not strong enough to save them all. While there's always going to be room for improvement, to those who would write about leaving ONE, I'd suggest getting more involved in it if you'd really like to see some improvement. The more communication, the more involvement, the more improvement, the more damage, the more success we'll have. See how that works?

And lastly, there's the UKRP, which is still improving. We'll never stop doing so. It's in the name. You know, the Reform part? Well, we're here, handing out weapons to our Military Unit (without asking you to donate your labor or anything), trying to help coordinate our damage as much as possible, and working hard for you, the people of the United Kingdom (like we're supposed to).

While others might preach about equality, in the UKRP it's a way of life.

So join up today, and get involved. It's as much my responsibility to help as it is yours to participate!

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy