[UKRP]The Stag on the Move

Day 1,340, 09:39 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
One Party, One Voice

Our goal in the United Kingdom is to constantly look for ways to improve country and community, in every aspect of Erepublik. We will never be satisfied with being the best, we will never stop looking for ways to improve. We shall push on, tirelessly, relentlessly, to ensure that the citizens of the United Kingdom are cared for, and have the ability to do as they choose.Today, Tomorrow, Together, the UKRP.

If you look at the political landscape of the United Kingdom for more than 3, almost 4 years, you'll always find the UKRP. Regardless of who the Prime Minister is, or how many seats we have in Congress, we've always tried to hold ourselves to a high standard. We're going to push forward, to improve things and work together. Cooperation, communication, and above all, integrity. As individuals, we are unique, with our own mindset and beliefs, but as a Group we are One Party, and One Voice, declaring that the United Kingdom is no one's backyard.

Click this to come and play with me

Military Unit

The UKRP always takes every opportunity that the game provides to provide to its members. We have the UKRP Community Military Unit, which is useful to provide our members with links, a way to communicate in game to other members, and can even help guide older members who just want something to be a part of. They don't call us a Party for nothing!

Any UKRP Member is welcome to join the MU, and in the coming days, we'll be finalising a deal where we'll supply members of any age with an additional amount of Q5 tanks, whether you belong to the Military, and Militia or not. The more damage we as a group can help provide, the better! This program will be open to UKRP members only, as supply will obviously be limited, but it will be open to all members, regardless of age, damage capability, or strength. Even LeoCordis can use it!

You've seen the rest, now it's time you got in line with the best. We're active, we're helpful, and unlike some, we're willing to let you make your own destiny. At the UKRP, we don't just preach equality, we live it.

Do you like how subtle I am??

Today. Tomorrow. Together. The UKRP.


Benefits to Members: Q5 Tanks
Benefits to Anyone: Food to fight, no requirements

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy