[UKRP]The Myth that is Politics

Day 1,548, 08:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
There is some kind of growing legend that somehow, the eUK has some type of political scene that can't be penetrated. It is said that it wields the power of invincibility. It is said that somehow, some "new" changes need to be made.

See, there's something that people don't realise about the eUK, Erepublik, and most importantly (at least to me), the UKRP:

Those who know us, like us. Those who don't typically start talking about how evil we are, how deceptive or dirty they think the UKRP on the whole is, and how they're "better" because they're open to new members.

Let me show you something about the Political Parties of the UK:

The Unity Party: The Unity Party was originally a re-brand of a few different parties put into one concept some time ago (about 3 years if I recall correctly, or somewhere around there). They've traditionally been seen as the UKRP's main "enemy", even though we're not really all that different outside of economic policy. The UKRP is mainly a Centre-Right party. TUP is Centre-Left. We believe mostly in educating our players to become independent of the system, whereas Socialism believes in sharing the wealth. Otherwise, we're just a group of people who have been in the eUK so long they can't remember why we argue (at least, until we discuss economic policy).

The People's Communist Party: The PCP is one of the three oldest functional parties, sitting on the far left side of the platform. I'm not terribly familiar with their current workings, but if it is run the way it used to be, they all work in communes, share the products, and sell the extras for profit to continue upgrading and running their communes.

Every Single One: A party that was originally some type of off-shoot of people from The Unity Party, ESO has established its own identity over the last year in Centre Left yet independent manner. They run an MU that gives supplies, and are generally pretty decent people (until jamesw has too much to drink).

All of the above run Military Units that do not require party membership, with supplies handed out in one way or the other (everyone differs on how and how much).

UK Progressive Party: Another group of off-shoots of various parties (some TUP/ESO/UKRP/PCP), this is the newest party in our ranks, and has grown heavily under the assumption of "changing" things, even though they've never outlined how they would change them, or what they would do differently. They do require people that are in their MU (The Royal Navy) to join the party if they wish to receive supplies, however, using their pocketbook to grow their membership.

In other words:

1. All parties have an MU. In every party, and every MU, there's someone willing to give you guns.

2. All parties welcome new players. There's absolutely no one in the UKRP that will restrict a new players voice as long as it isn't insulting to another one of our members.

3. All parties do what they can to fight for the UK.

Now that we've got the tl;dr version, let me tell you why the UKRP is actually the best place for new players:

You can actually make a difference day 1 in the UKRP, whereas it usually takes a little time to work through the ranks in the other parties.

The UKRP has decreased over the last four months. No one is trying to hide that. Our membership is slightly older for the most part than most parties, meaning that we either have other jobs to do, and/or are burnt out/not as interested as we used to be.

This means that you, new guy, could step in day 1 and immediately have a lasting impact. Elections? Yeah, we consider every one. Policies? Yeah, you can have a lot of input and try to do whatever you'd like. Need stuff? All you have to do is ask, and I'm usually more than willing to help out a new player, as are many of the people in the unit. We have Appleface who heads the UKSF and hands out thousands of weapons, and so on.

There's literally room for immediate growth.

So, if you're a new player, and you need help, we're here to help. If you want to feel like you belong, we're here to give you that. Whatever your goals are, we'll help you get there, and we won't have to open our Mastercard to do it.

H(J)ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy
UKRP Party President (in about 14 hours or so)
