[UKRP]State of Nation - From My Point of View

Day 1,560, 08:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dishmcds
Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Many players today ask what is happening in the United Kingdom, and where we are in terms of the state of the country. There is no denying we have an obvious problem, considering we're being beaten both as a nation, and an alliance, and there's no sense in trying. The whole "Keep Calm, and Carry On" thing simply won't work. If we want to progress as a nation, and improve from the state of affairs, we have to learn from what we've done, and move forward.

Now, I'm sure there will be all kinds of foreigners telling you (the newer players, or the other people in the UK) that the reason we're occupied is due to the leadership of the country. That is partially accurate, although not in the sense that they make it out to be.

Let's start here, shall we? The Government of the United Kingdom is elected each month, based on support from the political parties and communities that have been built over the last four years. As an original country in Erepublik, there have been quite a few of us that have been here almost the entire time (if not the entire time). We're no different than you, to be honest, regardless of how long you've been around, or what you've done. We're a group of normal people who log on each day, work/train/fight, and then try to assess our situation.

One of the things that a lot of us older players do, however, is that we log into IRC and the forums, and work outside the game trying to do whatever we can to improve it. The forums are in fact a proven method of the established meta game, so not using them, or dividing the community through the usage of other forums merely because you find it hard to follow rules is actually counterproductive. It is, however, your choice to do so, and if you make that choice then the consequence of that choice is also yours (whether it be good or bad).


Now, next they'll tell you the Government is corrupt. I'm not sure how that can be, seeing as the Government can only do a few things. They cannot (at this moment) take your tax money, because they can't remove it from the treasury, so it's not like you can accuse them of theft either. They can propose alliances, they can embargo other countries, and so on, but this game is built on the participation you put it. If you put in fifteen minutes, that reflects on our ability to function. If you spend an hour, that also reflects. If you spend time to donate things to new players, that reflects. You should get the picture at this point.

Essentially, one player, regardless of what his "title" is, is useless by himself. If you choose not to cooperate, then you're as responsible for our state of affairs as anyone else is. If you choose not to work with anyone else, then you reap what you sow.

Now, I'm not saying that we don't need change. We've operated the same Government system, the same political system, and the same processes for almost my entire time in the United Kingdom (dating back to August of 200😎. Outside of some barely useful "new" Ministries and defunct Military organisation, we're the same as we were. You want to know how Ireland and France and Canada and the US are beating us?

It's simple. They've adapted with the game. You see, regardless of what any Irish or Canuck or Frog is going to tell you about why we're being beaten, they've been occupied for the better part of the past year before they began winning, too. They were once invaded and deleted by the likes of Poland, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, the UK (in Ireland's case), and so on as well, so for them to mis-represent that is quite the common mistake. The difference is that they took the chance to change how they operated when they were deleted, and they found one that worked (at least for now).


We need to follow suit, and here's just a few things I'd suggest:

1. We need an active and competent President, since we don't have Congress. With only one person having buttons, we need someone who's going to stay online a long time, and who is open to changing things that don't work. That also means not reverting back to things that haven't ever worked before, too.

2. We need more activity from our active population. I've noticed a lot of new players writing articles, and speaking out about their feelings while we're under occupation. Your energy is fantastic. I love new players when they want to contribute, but you also have to accept that you might not really know how the game itself works, and that there are things you have to learn as well. Learning is a two way street, and I'm more than willing to listen if you are as well. Get involved on the forums (click here to sign up), and join us in IRC (you can find most people idling in #euk on Rizon server, or I'm almost always in #ukrp, same server during day/evening hours).

3. Focus your damage where your orders are set, and make sure you're joining a Military Unit that actually cooperates with the rest of the United Kingdom. It makes no difference for your damage if you're spending it in a Resistance War that absolutely no one else is fighting in. If you're coordinating with the other larger units (or even the smaller ones, like mine) then you're putting damage where it can be useful to us, our allies, and our future.

To end this off, as it's turned into part rant, and part guide, we do need to change, but it's not necessarily where we're coming from that needs to change. It's HOW we operate and the processes that we carry. The game has adapted from the functionality of a lot of what we've done, and we need to adapt with it, which we've failed to do.

And finally, just for you Alfa:

Other parties might preach Equality, but in the UKRP, it's a way of life.

H(J(ugs and Kisses,
Just Another Guy (and former 7 time President)
UKRP Party President